Clothes > Anything else

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Y/n's pov

"Hi mom," I say walking into her house. "William."

Yes, we are staying in a hotel, our luggage is there but of course, my mother wanted us to visit here first. And why does this lady need to live in a mansion everywhere she goes?

"Oh finally," she says walking to the front door. "Come in come in, your brother and Tendo are already here. Come on, where is my granddaughter?"

"Mom, how much money do you think she'll give me if I tell her she looks too young to be a grandma?" she asks in a whisper.

"Kasumi, my dear I missed you," she says taking her from my arms. "And Y/n, I missed you too, so much. You guys should come and visit more."

"You should come and visit in Japan more," I say.

"Wow," Kasumi says touching my mom's face. "If you're old enough to be a grandma, then my mom looks old enough to be your grandma. For real, you should show my mom how to keep her skin nice luke this."

Thanks, Kasumi.

"Kasumi, William, and I are going to Seoul land," she says. "We'll see you all later, William grab the keys we are off."

"Mom, I was gonna take her there tomorrow," I say.

"You can take her to Pororo Theme park," she says. "Christopher, you're coming."

"Guess duty calls," he laughs.

"He said duty," Kasumi laughs. "Now hurry up, I've got money to spend... I mean I need to spend time with my grandmother whom I love so much. I need my grandmother, my mom doesn't feed me."

Oh god.

"Kasumi," I gasp. "You can say things like that, people are going to snatch you away from me. I haven't adopted you yet."

"Now why not?" My mom asks.

"She's waiting for Kei to marry her so they both can adopt me," Kasumi says. "She doesn't need to say to for me to know."

"I'm not taking you knife shoe-ing tonight, I'm going to bed early," I say walking past them and towards the kitchen. "You can play with your toys."

"No, I'm kidding mom," she says. "I want to knife shoe, please, you don't want to marry Kei ever because he's gross."

"You can't say that either," I say. "Shh, no more talking about me."

"Don't worry Kasumi, I'll make sure you get at least an hour or knife shoe-ing in tonight," Kei laughs following me to the kitchen.

"Hi Wakatoshi, Tendo," I say plopping myself down into a chair. "How's it been? What's new? How are you feeling?"

"I've unapproved of your boyfriend," he says.

"Me too," I nod my head. "I unapproved of him also."

"What does that even mean?" Kei asks.

"Oh my Wakatoshi," Tendo shakes his head. "You know that Y/n is not a teenager anymore, she's old enough to make her own decisions. Maybe she wants to evade taxes like Bokuto, or maybe almost run over a person on the highway like Semi."

"Because of you she's friends with Atsumu, now I have to talk to him," Wakatoshi says. "Sakusa says that he thinks he's entitled."

"Oh well, sounds like a you problem," Kei shrugs.

"Kei, do you want to die?" I ask. "Because that's what's going to happen to you."

"Your guy's mom will ground him if he does anything," he says. "And your brother basically sends me threats on a daily basis. And blames me or anything and everything."

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