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Y/n's pov

Everything Kei has ever done has just been forgiven.

"You brought me to an apple orchard?" I question grabbing his arm. "I'm gonna bust a nut."

"Don't say that," he says.

"We get to pick apples and then eat the apples, inhale the apples and live in the apples," I say. "You do not realize how excited I am to do this, I get to pretend that I'm like a farmer or something."

"I do realize how excited you are, I wouldn't have brought you here if I didn't think you would be," he says. "Now come on, I've already got every set up you just need to walk around and pick apples."

"What are we going to use the apples for?" I ask.

"What you don't just want to eat them?" he asks.

"I mean, not be ungrateful or anything but I figured we'd make something with some of the apples," I say. "Or I can make something, of wait we can make candy apples and give them to Dai and Kasumi."

"Obviously I was going to make you something with them," he says. "And fine, we can make candy apples. Now come on."

"You look really happy right now," I say. "You're smiling."

"Do I really not smile enough for you to think I'm not happy all the time?" he asks.

"Don't know," I shrug. "You just don't always have those genuine smiles, not that you fake smile, do you know what I'm talking about? Those bigger smiles that aren't smirks... I can't explain it, you just look happy, like you're enjoying yourself."

Oh shit, did I offend him? He's looking out at the sky like I triggered him.

"I smile you just don't see," he says. "I enjoy myself when I'm with you."

"When do you smile like that?" I ask.

"All the time," he says. "Now come on, we're picking apples now."

"When all the time?" I ask. "I barely ever see them, like ever. And you don't smile when you're out having fun, well sometimes you laugh."

"I'm not one to smile the whole time while I'm having fun," he says. "That's something you do. And when I'm looking up at the sky or selling that's when I smile, because I don't like being pestered about it."

"You are a gerbil for that," I say. "Looking up so that I don't see, that's not fair. Now that I think about it, you do that all the time, you better stop. I like seeing your smiles, and can you grab that apple right there?"

I don't even need to specify, he knows me.

"It's a habit, looking up when I smile," he says. "Ask my mom if you need to double-check."

"Oh last night I had a dream, I don't remember anything except that you pushed me off the balcony but I landed in a soft bush," I say. "I wasn't hurt or anything, but then you threw a rock at me. But then there was a plot twist, another Kei came and caught the rock you saved my life."

"That is ridiculous," he laughs. "I'd never catch the rock."

"You are such a hoe," I say poking him in the ribs. "You would so catch the rock before it hits me, I know you would."

"Would not, maybe I should just drop these apples on your head," he says.

"Now do I look like Issac Newton to you?" I ask. "Because if so that you can newton deez nuts, wait... Newton my face, do you get it, nut on my face... actually, don't do that please."

Guys, he's really busted out into laughter, and I'm finding it hard not to join in.

"Kei ignore that," I laugh. "Please, please I was too out of pocket for that one, I'm sorry."

"You have zero filter," he laughs taking a few steps back.

"I did not intend to say that now," I say. "It's not that funny, oh my god are you alright?"

He tripped and fell back onto his ass, but he's still laughing at me. And me trying to be the best girlfriend ever and help him, I tripped in the same while he did.

"One more inch and my knee woulda crushed your dick," I laugh.

"Good thing you didn't because then no one would be Newton anywhere," he laughs even harder.

I can't anymore, it's not even that funny but I can't stop it. I'm sure if anyone saw us on the ground in this apple orchard laughing like idiots, they'd be slightly concerned. But I don't care. Do I know how long we spend laughing like this? No, no I don't. But we did eventually calm down after dropping more mature deez nuts and Newton jokes, they were all terrible.

"I wish that I didn't take you here today," he says after taking a moment to catch his breath. "And that it wasn't your birthday."

"Why?" I ask. "We're having fun."

"This would've been a perfect place to propose," he says. "It's pretty, and I'm just so, in love with you, this would've been perfect."

"Kei you can't keep saying that, you're doing it on purpose, teasing me because you know that I want you to ask me to marry you," I say.

"I am not, I am being honest," he says. "If it wasn't your birthday and I had a ring, I'd ask you right now."

"So what if it's my birthday?" I ask. "I don't need a ring either, please Kei."

"No, it's your birthday," he says. "I want to keep all special occasions separate. And obviously, I'm getting you a ring."

"You promise to ask me soon?" I ask.

"Yes, soon," he says. "Within thirteen months."

"Fine," I sigh. "And I would ask you, but I need to tell you no just so I can have that story to tell our kids that I actually rejected your first proposal."

"So you're saying that we're gonna have kids, as in one more than Kasumi?" he asks. "Where me and you have a kid, in the future?"

"No, I meant Kasumi," I say. "So I can tell Kasumi that I rejected you."

He's really out here pouting.

"Stop pouting," I say. "You're acting like I just took a toy from you."

"I am not pouting," he scoffs.

"Well guess what, ima pout deez nuts in your mouth," I say.

And so it happened again, we once again erupted into a fit of mature laughter.

My nail broke so it's hard to type because I use the tips of my nails to type. I will get them done tomorrow.


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