Pov they engage in sexual intercourse

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Y/n's pov

Yeah, once the kids left everyone decided to get drunk, so that's fun. We're in the process of sending everybody off with some of the sober people, finally, we get to load up the last car.

"What am I supposed to do when I get back to my place?" Yachi asks, concerned.

"Just leave them in your car overnight," I say. "Toss some pop tarts in there for the morning and they'll be set."

"Um, alright," she nods her head. "And it was nice seeing you two, and congratulations on your guy's engagement, I can't wait for the wedding."

"Same here," I say. "Bye, have fun with those fools."

"I'll try to," she laughs before giving us her final farewells and hitting the road.

Lord help her, we've stuffed Hinata, Kageyama, Atsumu, and some stranger we found on the side of the road in the back seat of her car.

"So happy we managed to get them all out of our house," Kei says.

Kei had two glasses of champagne, so we won't be getting a visit from drunk Kei tonight, not even tipsy Kei, what a shame.

"What do you suppose we do now?" I ask, locking up the front door.

"I have a few ideas," he says leaning down to kiss me.

"House tour," I say putting my hand up to block him. "Give me a house tour."

"Fine," he says taking my hand. "Whatever you want, we'll start with the living room."

"Hmm, very nice," I nod my head. "The decor is superb, just marvellous I tell you."

"Yeah, it's nice," he says walling around the living room. "My favourite part is the couch, very, very comfortable. Doesn't squeak or anything, one of the best additions to our home, don't you think?"

"You're a whore," I laugh continuing on with the tour. "Come on."

"Oh the kitchen, another personal favourite," he says. "I love these countertops, don't you? They're smooth, the perfect height and they don't get that cold, but I think we should clean them, don't you think?"

"Nah, they're clean," I say. "I personally like the fridge the best, it's fancy, I'll marry the fridge."

"You can't, you're already marrying me," he says taking my hand again. "And I don't like to share."

"Yeah, I can tell," I say. "Wouldn't let me have more than half a glass of champagne."

"Only because you'd go for the bottle after that and be plastered in no time," he says. "How am I supposed to clean the house when you're not sober?"

"Use a sock," I laugh.

"Can't, I didn't unpack yet," he says. "So there's not much out."

"Well, what did you unpack?" I ask following him upstairs.

"Our bedding," he says. "So how about we conclude this house tour here in our room, it's got everything we need. The other rooms are unimportant at this moment in time."

"Fine then, show off your favourite room," I say. "Convince me why it's the best."

Maybe I should always give Kei some champagne, it seems to really loosen him up.

"Well for starters," he says. "It's pretty far away from Kasumi's but that doesn't really matter right now since she's not here. Next, it has its own couch, very comfortable. The walk-in closet has a countertop is it. The shower is the best, the tiles are smooth so if you happen to accidentally press you back against it really hard, you'd be fine. Ah, and my favourite, this brand new bed."

"Still not convinced," I say. "I think I'll be needing some demonstration please."

"Well since you asked so nicely I think I have some time to spare."

I'm going to sleep now.


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