Pov Y/n goes early and sees Tsukishima with another girl

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Y/n's pov

"You must have an obsession with the bench," I say popping my head over his shoulder. "Just you just love me so much."

"As if," he says. "And you're fifteen minutes late."

"If I'm late then why hasn't the ice cream melted?" I ask walking around the bench to sit with him.

"Because I knew you'd be late, so I waited to get it for you," he scoffs.

"Then I'm not late, you already knew everything because you read my mind when I realized I was going to be late," I say. "So it's fine."

"Whatever," he says giving me the cone. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you," I say. "I hope you poisoned it."

"I'm not dumb enough to poison you in public, and here," he rolls his eyes.

Oh my god, he's the best, he brought a side of maraschino cherries because they are so disgustingly delicious.

"Kei, I love you," I say. "So much, the most in fact. Now tell me, what's with the notes? There's gotta be a deeper meaning, I mean, who would want to pass up waking up beside me?"

"Anyone would pass that up," he says. "That's why I did, you snore and drool."

Don't be mean.

"I'm kidding," he laughs. "You don't snore, and you rarely drool, I was just busy this morning. Don't look so sad."

"Too late," I sigh dramatically. "Now I'm depressed because my boyfriend was being mean to me."

"There lots of things were going to do today," he says. "Since I missed four of your birthdays, I'm going to make it up."

"Kei, I suck at gift-giving last month I gave you pretty much nothing," I say. "All my gifts involve me being a whore."

"Don't call yourself a whore," he says. "And every gift you give me is meaningful, you're thinking. So shut up and let me treat you for once in your life."

"That was an aggressive way of showing affection," I laugh.

"Whatever," he shakes his head. "For your sixteenth birthday, we probably would've sat down on this bench at ate ice cream while staring at nothing. You would've spent hours talking, but since we're limited on time, you have an hour to talk about whatever you want."

"I love you," I smile. "Even though you have long toes like they are fingers, I still love you."

"I do not have long-ass toes," he scoffs. "And I love you too, even when I walk into the bathroom at night and you're sitting on the counter with shit on your face while you fix your nipple piercing, even when you throw your blow dryer at me. Though I think I'd love you a little less if you actually hit me."

"Kei stop," I hit his arm. "You are to never speak of that again, that was traumatizing. You were not supposed to walk in, no, I don't want to remember that. You need to learn how to knock."

"I knocked, you didn't answer, I needed to make sure you weren't dead," he laughs. "You looked so stupid."

"No no no," I say. "Stop."

"And you had those god-awful Spongebob slippers on and that underwear with the strawberries," he continues to laugh. "God, that was a sight."

"And I was not fixing my piercing, I was making sure my boobs were the same as always," I say. "I need to make sure I don't have cancer."

"Liar," he says. "You were struggling to put those piercings in."

"Well it's not my fault I've got nails," I say.

"Then don't get them done," he says. "Simple."

"Then don't drop me off at the salon," I say. "Then maybe I wouldn't be getting them done all the time."

"Or I could just help you with your piercings," he says.

"No, you're gonna give me cancer," I say. "Back away."

"Oh my god," he sighs. "I can't give you cancer."

"Oh yeah," I nod my head. "You're a Libra."

"You are ridiculous," he laughs.

"I just realized, Yamaguchi and I are both Scorpios," I say. "And we aren't supposed to like each other."

"That's stupid anyway," he says.

"I heard that Scorpios should marry Pisces or another Scorpio," I say. "So like, your brother or Kuroo."

"I will push you off this bench," he says. "The thought of you and my brother is actually terrifying, no stop it. I don't care about Zodiac signs, they are not going to stop me from marrying you one day. Eat your ice cream."

"You said that I could talk for an hour," I say. "So let me."

"Fine, talk," he says.

"Fice years isn't that much of an age gap," I say.

"Stop, you aren't funny," he says. "You're never talking to my brother."

"As if," I laugh. "I'm not a whore."

"Your jokes aren't funny," he says.

"Remember when I kissed Kageyama?" I ask.

"Remember when you were begging me in your office?" he asks.

"Oh my god you Kei," I say pointing at the sky. "Wow, the sky sure is beautiful isn't it?"

"Mhm," he nods his head. "And so is the sky."


Boom, all done with my coursework for the summer just need to take the exam on Monday then I'm done. Also that title means nothing lmao.


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