Silly goofy mood

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Also, I need to change what Marigold looks like. Does anyone remember what chapter I put the photo of her, anyway I'll make a side store chapter with what everyone looks like?

Y/n's pov

Oh Christmas time, one of my most favourite times, I love giving back to my family... But not as much as I love getting gifts, now there's only a few more days before the holiday and I've got to get some last-minute shopping in.

Kei is doing the same with Yamaguchi, so I'm going out with Bunny and Azalea.

"Hi Marigold," I say walking into the cafe.

As for that conversation, both my mom and Marigold give of some scary energy so I've just let that thought wonder out of my mind.

"Hey," she says.

"I was wondering if you could babysit Dai and Kasumi for the day, please?" I ask. "As a Christmas gift?"

"We also brought you an invitation to our place for Christmas!" Kasumi cheers. "I made this one just for you."

"Hmm, what is this for?" she asks. "A party?"

"Not really, just dinner and stuff," I say. "Wakatoshi, Tendo, Kei, Kasumi, Dai, Akina, Akiteru, and you if you want to come, please?"

"You want me to stop by and bring dessert?" she asks.

"No, come and eat and hang out," Kasumi says. "It'll be so much fun, mom even bought you a present

"I'll think about it," she says slipping the invitation into her pocket. "Did you guys eat?"

"Kasumi made us pancakes," Dai says. "There were green chunks in it."

"Mmm, Y/n's high school special, green stuff," Marigold says.

"I never taught her how to make that," I say. "It was inherited, inherited I tell you."

"It is a curse," she says. "I'll make you guys some waffles, don't worry I'll load them up so they're basically desserts."

"Thank you," I smile. "Thank you for not letting us starve."

"Mhm," she says. "You guys are all going to get diabetes, except for the boy."

"I just like fruit on mine," Dai says. "Please and thank you."

"Hey, ice cream is dairy," Kasumi says.

"And so is whipped cream," I say.

"Exactly," Kasumi says. "Dairy."

"Kasumi, you can't just have ice cream," Dai says. "Have fruit too."

"And you too Y/n, you're eating fruit," Marigold says.

"I'll have you know that I ate many strawberries this morning," I say. "Many."

"If they were candied, it doesn't count," she says.

Boo, I like fruit I just like to tell myself that fruit is for suckers.

"I have mangos," she says.

"Magos?" Kasumi questions. "I want mangos please."

"Oh me too," I say. "Magos slap harder than... Nevermind."

Mangos slap harder than my old crusty grandmother.


Those were so good, better than Kei's waffles though his eggs top hers... Who am I to say anything? I can only cook deserts and very basic foods, a sad life really.

"Dai, you can have my juice," Kasumi says. "You like juice more than me."

"Thank you," Dai says.

Dai is so polite.

"We have arrived!" Bunny announces as she drags Azalea in, who is preoccupied with her phone.

"Hold on Bunny, I have to check my emails," Azalea says.

"Azalea!" Kasumi yells. "Come here you haven't met Dai yet, he's my best friend."

"Dai?" she questions looking up from her phone. "Um... I think I forgot something in my car."

"What's wrong?" Kasumi asks.

"I'm gonna be in trouble now," Dai mumbles.

I've decided to add in the heartbreak for Kasumi. The original plan was that Dai was gonna be taken away after his dad yelled at Y/n then Kasumi wouldn't see him for months. Tell me your guy's predictions now.


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