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Y/n's pov

I love hanging out with people, there is no downside to it, I love attention and no one can come after me for it. Do I know what everyone is talking about? No, no I do not, it's probably adult stuff. But, I am not embarrassed because I know that Bokuto has no idea what's happening either.

"Y/n, are you lisenning?" Kuroo asks.

"Huh?" maybe I should listen. "I think think the weather is fine."

"Bird, we're talking about work," Christopher laughs.

"What's with the petname?" Atsumu asks. "Is this some three-way relationship?"

"As if," Kei scoffs.

"It's just a nickname," Christopher says.

"Mhm," Atsumu nods his head. "Seems dodgy, I don't see small tool Tsuki giving her pet names and stuff."

I may or may not have asked Atsumu to bug Kei today, I mean to be fair he hogged the blanket last night now he deserves to be pestered by Atsumu.

"Oh, Atsumu's trying to start some shit," Bokuto says.

"She's got pet names," Kei says. "You know nothing, you're just mad because you don't have a girlfriend."

"Like what, dumbass?" Atsumu asks. "How endearing."

"Yeah, it is," Kei says. "And I call her babe and pretty all the time, not that it's any of your business."

"When?" Atsumu asks.

"When she's sleeping," he says. "Actually forget everything I said, you're trying to get me irritated."

"You already are irritated," Kuroo laughs. "Look, Chris, he looks like he's about to burst a blood vesicle or something."

Yeah, so Christopher is basically besties with all of these guys now.

"You guys are only trying to piss me off because Y/n probably told you that I hogged the blanket last night, even though I didn't," he says.

"Yes you did," I say. "I was warm and cozy then you snatched it off of me, I was freezing to death. I coulda died, you should feel guilty."

"Look, Tsukishima is off neglecting his girlfriend again," Atsumu shakes his head. "Can you believe his shit, Christopher?"

"And after all that time he spent complaining to me that you wanted to be back together with her," Christopher says. "Unbelievable."

"Yeah, unbelievable," Bokuto says.

"Oh my god, I'm literally holding her right now," Kei says. "Are you guys blind? I spend all my time with her, and I'd spend more if I could. Jesus."

That's right everyone, force out his emotions.

"I hate all of you guys," Kei says. "Every single one of you guys, Atsumu at the top of that list."

"Wow, I am honoured," Atsumu laughs. "Who is at the bottom? Y/n?"

"She's not on the list, I said guys," he says. "Use your head."

"Okay," I say. "So, does anyone know when Kei is gonna ask me to marry him, show of hands."

Of course, they all raise their hands.

"And none of y'all are gonna tell me?" I ask. "Wooow, I can't believe you all, I hate all of you. And Kei, why are you telling everybody but me?"

"I didn't even tell the rest of them, I talked to Christopher then your mom and Wakatoshi called so I had to tell him. He just went and blabbered to everybody else," Kei says. "He needs to learn how to hold his tongue."

"Oh, you guys are finally on a first-name basis?" I ask.

"Yeah, but he refuses to call me Kei," he says. "Everyone you know is weird."

"Anyway, we should all start getting ready for the party," I say getting up from the couch. "I need to shower."

"So do I," Kei says.

"Yeah, I've heard that Kei is pretty fond of showers," Bokuto says.

"And couches," Kuroo nods his head.

"Don't forget the guest bedrooms," Atsumu says.

"Shut up," Kei says. "I heard all of you are quite fond of socks and lotion."

"Don't act like the school bathroom wasn't your hotspot back in high school," I say.

I am at my grandmama's house right now.


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