🍋So funny🍋

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Tsukishma wasted no time sealing his lips over hers after he had locked the bedroom door, to ensure there would be absolutely no interruptions, he had waited far too long for this. Was going strat in, this intense, this much lust really the best way to go about things? Probably not, but all the two of them could really hope for was the best.

He really was looking for a good time, deciding that he'd focus on everything else later.

His fingers threaded in her hair, holding her face as close as possible to his own, pushing his tongue past her lips while she kicked off her heels. Their situation could very well hurt her more, but she was more focused on his lips on her, hands roaming her body and just him entirely.

It almost seemed as if she'd lose any sense of responsible decision-making when it came to him, she'd do almost anything when it came to him. That's a scary thing... assuming he didn't take that into account.

When he gently pushed her back onto the bed, she briefly sat up, reaching her arms out to grip the collar of his shirt, pulling him in for yet another kiss. She was sure by now her mother was looking around for her, this was the first holiday party Y/n had thrown on behalf of her company. It was pretty important, and she was spending it in a guest bedroom with her high school boyfriend.

Y/n helped Tsukishima push his jacket off his shoulders, letting it fall to the bed which he just pushed onto the floor. Then she let her hands wander to his chest, dipping down to untuck his shirt from his dress pants.

Though they'd both gone so long without so much as a hug, she found herself feeling as if they had never spent anytime apart, something that just made her smile against his lips. It really gave her the impression that everything would go back to normal, fall into place, like some fairytale with a happy ending.

But if this were a fairy tale, the breakup wouldn't have ever happened in the beginning.

"Do you have a condom?" he asked, voice muffled against her lips when he felt her fiddling with his belt.

"No," she breathed out, still working on his pants.

He let out a small sigh, sitting up, moving her hands away so he could undo his own belt. Taking a moment to look at her flustered face, thinking of something to say before making his remark.

"I've barely touched you and you're already a mess," he laughed reaching his hands down to push her dress halfway up her body. "And don't look so worried, it's not like there's nothing we can do without a condom. No more cute underwear?"

"I didn't think I'd be getting lucky tonight," she lifted her hips slightly, letting him slip her underwear down her legs tossing them to the side.

Tsukishima leaned over once more to catch her lips with his, letting his fingers brush against her slick folds. Y/n's breathed hitched when he ghosted over the place she wanted him to touch most.

"T-tsukishima, please," she breathed against him. "No time for teasing."

"Really?" he pulled away resting his hands on her thighs, holding them open as he lowered his head. "You're still going to use my last name when I'm about to give you away? Use my name."

"Please Kei," she said again, trying to m clench her thighs together in anticipation. "I missed you, please, I need you. Please, won't you make me feel good?"

"Fine, since you asked so nicely," he smirked moving even lower, letting his breath fan over her. "And I really did miss this."

The moment he let his tongue swipe across her clit, her hand darted down to grip his hair, and her body relaxed into the sheets. Yes, she really did miss this,

Normally he'd like to take this part slower, get her so pent up that she was a begging mess, but with this setting there really wasn't anytime for that. So he went with a quicker approach, slipping a finger into her while he gently sucked on her clit.

Her moans were perfect to him, just as he hand remembered, even better than what he imagined when he tried to remember. With every tug on his blonde locks, he hummed in satisfaction, the vibrations only adding to her pleasure. Oh, how she missed him.

"I need more," she moaned, tugging his hair again, almost as a prompt. And so he gave her just what she had requested, slipping into two more digits along with the single one.

He curled them inside of her, enjoying the way she clenched harder when he sucked more firmly. She unconsciously tried to grind herself up against his tongue as she felt her orgasm building. The lewd noises only making him want to get more and more, and he did.

Tsukishima didn't stop his ministrations even when she came, letting out that one high-pitched moan he loved so much. He only stopped when he felt her thighs tremble slightly against his hand, as well as her fingers tugging his head away from her.

When he sat up, she followed suit, literring his chest with sweet kisses as she tugged her dress back down before lowering herself to the floor. Her hands reached out to shimmy his pants and boxers down just enough so she could take him into her hand.

Honestly, she was worried her blow job skills wouldn't be up to date but based on the way he let out a small groan, she was doing just fine. It was just like anytime other she had gone down on him, his hands eventually finding their way to her head pushing her down slightly.

When her eyes cracked open to look at him, his head was hanging back and he has unbuttoned his shirt, leaving it hanging open. As much as she wanted to take her time staring at him, she was pretty busy at the moment. So she got back to work.

Sucking firmly, pumping what she couldn't fit in her mouth with her hand, enjoying any noise he let past his lips. She was so absorbed with him, that she nearly forgot where they were, thankfully no one was even near the room they were fooling around it.

"God, I missed your pretty little mouth," he groaned, pushing her head further trying not to make her gag. He had some idea of how much she could take, and so did she.

Her head bobbed up and down, swirling her tongue around the head before taking him all back in, as far as she could. It wasn't long until the grip on her hair got harder, signalling that he was getting closer to his end.

She focused on hollowing out her cheeks and relaxing her throat. When he came he held her head in place, letting out that one moan she'd get from him. Y/n swallowed everything he had to offer, and once she did he let go of her, leaning back onto the bed.

"Fuck... that was good," he said, looking down at her with hazy eyes.

"I'll be right back," she said scrambling to her feet, grabbing her discarded underwear. "I'm just going to brush my teeth."

Luckily, there was a guest bathroom in the bedroom and an unopened toothbrush in the drawer. She brushed her teeth quickly, not bothering to fix her hair or anything, she just wanted to get back to him.

And when she did, he had done up his shirt, put on his belt, and basically gotten presentable enough to be able to go back out into the party without anyone suspecting a thing. In addition to that, his head lay cradled in his hands, looking down at the floor. The position you'd imagine to see someone in after getting bad news or doing something they regret deeply.

"Kei," she said.

"Hmm," he lifted his head, covering the bottom half of his mouth.

"I love you," she said threading her fingers in front of her.

The silence was not something she had anticipated, she also found herself dreading his words more so than the loud silence.

Oh my god, I wrote this on a call with Crouton while I was screen sharing, and I don't think I've ever been more on edge my entire life. She was so particular with what words I was supposed to use, lowkey kinda scary.


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