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Y/n's pov

After a long-ass day, I am back in the comfort of my own home. Kasumi isn't here because we went to watch a movie with Hyun and Marigold, she fell asleep at the end of the movie then Hyun made some sad face and asked if he could keep her for the night. He also promised not to accidentally let her into a casino, Marigold promised not to let Hyun feed her icing for diner, which would be for dessert.

Now, what I have been doing for the past two hours waiting for Kei? Well, I've been walking around my house in my wedding dress pretending that I'm a princess or something. But the moment I saw the front door opening I ran over and slammed it shut before he got a chance to get inside, ain't no way he's seeing me in my dress yet.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I hear Kei. "It's me as if someone would try to break in with you of all people in here."

"Shut up, you're not allowed inside," I say. "Sleep on the steps."

Then yes, I did strip off the dress and shove it in the ottoman we had at the front door, anything to hide the drip.

"Oh come on Y/n, I'm sorry, you think I wanted to do it?" he asks. "I'm sorry, just let me in, it was a one-time thing."

One time thing? What thing? I don't know about this thing, no one told me anything.

"You are dirty and disgusting and I hate what you did, unforgivable," I say. "Go wash your mouth out with soap."

I mean, I gotta know what it is now.

"I don't think washing my mouth out will get it away," he sighs. "Look, she was nice and it's not like I'm going back, let me in, please. If it's that big of a deal, we can sit down and have a civil conversation. I didn't wanna tell you today?"

Okay Kei, now I wanna get jumped by a Buffon on-air duster, thanks for that.

"Then when were you gonna tell me Kei?" I question.

"Never... or maybe when you found out," he says. "And who told you? Was it Kyoutani?"

"Well... I slept with Kenma," I say. "Yeah, I did, uh... yesterday so I hate you know."

"As if," he says. "Open the door, clearly there's something wrong."

"I'll talk to you in the morning," I say. "Sleep on the steps."

"Fine, it's not like there's not another place I can sleep," he says.

"What the hell does that mean?" I question opening the door. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I was gonna go through the back door, and where the hell are your clothes?" he asks walking inside, closing the door afterward. "And why do you look like you're on the brink of tears? It's not that big of a deal."

"What did you do today?" I ask.

"I'm not saying it, you already know," he says. "Go put some clothes on, as much as I enjoy your polka-dot underwear."

"I don't know what you did, I was bullshitting, but now that you keep talking it sounds like you did something terrible," I say. "So speak or I'm kicking you out."

"What else could it sound like... Never mind, I see what you're saying, but I'd never cheat on you Y/n so cal, dow a bit," he says. "So don't cry."

"I was not gonna cry because I know you wouldn't do anything dumb," I say. "I was gonna cry because you didn't bring home any food."

"I thought you wanted to make hot pot at home, you went and bought all that stuff," he says.

Oh yeah, I did do that, didn't I?

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