Bunny or Azalea? Pick.

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Y/n's pov

I practically ran to my door when it creaked open.

"Oh, it's just you," I groan going back to the couch.

Yes, I have a couch in my office like a boss.

"Yeah, nice to see you too," Kei rolls his eyes.

"I told Dai that if he gets a girlfriend, I'll bite his face off," Kasumi says crawling on the couch beside me. "Dai also knows how to skate."

Well, Kasumi's found her soulmate.

"She just like you," Kei says handing me a bag of food. "Even with the mood swings."

"Don't kill me Kei, but I don't want sushi for lunch..." I say. "Can you run out and go and get tacos?"

"Taco's with extra salsa on the side," he says. "I figured you want that after Kasumi started crying in the back seat because snakes don't have legs."

"What does that have to do with anything?" I question.

"She cried because she was jealous," he says. "Your guy's mood swings work together."

"I'm going to eat this, but I am highly offended by it," I say opening up my take-out box. "I don't have mood swings. And I'm mad at you, I'm never talking to you again."

"My mom said that she'd take Kasumi for the night," he says in English. "Is you want to do anything."

"Depends, do I have to tell you what I want?" I ask.

"Obviously," he says going back to Japanese.

"Poo," I frown. "We're getting divorced."

"We aren't even married," he says.

"Grandma said I can go to her house?" Kasumi asks. "Tonight?"

"You know English?" I question. "Since when? What the hell, what?"

"Of course I know English, I watch keeping up with the Kardashians," she says. "And you would always speak it, I know. Christopher is also teaching me Spanish and the grandma in Korea is teaching me Korean."

"Thank god you didn't say anything bad," I say to Kei.

Oh my god, I would've shot myself.

"Yeah, good thing," he says. "Now I've got to call my mom."

"I'm back," Benjrou says walking back into my office.

"What were you doing, it's been like two hours," I say. "I thought someone died."

"Well if we arent' quick someone might," be running over to the back of the couch. "Christopher wants to kill me."

"Relax," I say. "He can't kill you, you're huge."

"Whos this?" Kei asks.

Yeah Kei, feel jealous kick rocks.

"You're not my type," Benjirou says.

Get wrecked.

"What?" Kei asks.

"This is Benjiro, he's a security guard. Benjirou, this is Kei, the asshole I live with," I say. "He's not that important."

"And I'm Kasumi, the most important," she says. "Nice to meet you, I'm a full-time character, not a filler one."

"Nice to meet you Kasumi," Benjirou says. "But I need to cover your ears real quick so I can tell your boss something."

"At least you have the decency to preserve my mental health," she says as he covers her ears.

"I followed Christopher and Ai back to his apartment, I couldn't get anything on them so I waited outside his door. Then I heard it, those two fucked, and I feel bad for their neighbours," he says. "Because goddam, I left for an hour so I didn't have to heat that but when I came back they were still at it."

"Take notes Kei," I say.

"Oh shut up," he shoves my head lightly.

"One trick pony," I laugh. "Anyway, what happened next."

"There was a pause, then the door opened," he says. "I didn't even notice the uber eats guys behind me."

"So they know that you heard them bang?" I ask.

"Yes, and they should be here-," he starts.

"Benjirou, what the hell were you doing at my place?"

Oh, Christopher looks mad. And why is Ai sobbing behind him?

"Y/n, what are you doing to your workers?" Kei asks.

"Uh, I think you should be what my workers are doing to each other," I say.

"I'm sorry, please don't fire me," Ai says stumbling over to me. "Or Chris, don't fire us, please."

Bro what.

I only have five essays done.


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