Pov Wakatoshi dies

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Y/n's pov

"Lemme guess, for my eighteenth birthday as a gift you'd let me pick out my own charm?" I ask.

"Obviously," he says. "So you've got one, now give it to me so I can put it on your bracelet."

To sum it up, we went to the jewelry store, I chose a charm he bought it then we went back to the car.

"Here ya go," I say handing him the tiny box.

"Close your eyes and give me your hand," he says.

"Kei, I already know what this charm is," I say. "I chose it."

"I don't care, this is what we always do," he says. "I like it this way."

"That's actually sweet," I say following his instructions.

"God, did you seriously get a letter 'k' charm?" he asks.

"Yup, for Kei and Kasumi," I say. "Because I need to remember the reason I never get any sleep anymore, Kasumi is loud and you are... Actually no more dirty jokes for today."

"I don't keep you up," he says putting the charm onto my bracelet. "If anything I get you to sleep, you get lots of sleep."

"You're a hoe," I say opening my eyes. "And that reminds me, why does the whole team know about our sex life? I know you say more than what your friends in there told me, they definitely got your back."

"I know that you tell every single detail to Bunny and Azalea," he says starting the car. "I don't give them any visuals like you, it's just dumb stuff."

"Like what, do y'all have a bingo chart about where ya'll have done it?" I ask.

I waited for a no, but I never got it...

"Oh my god, shut up," I gasp. "You have a bingo chart, where is it?"

"I didn't even say anything, you said it not me," he says. "Don't look at me like that."

"Where is it?" I ask. "I wanna read it."

"Its in the glove box," he mutters. "And it was not my idea."

"Really, under Kasumi's colouring book?" I ask.

"It's not like she goes in there," he says. "She sits in the back in her booster seat, it's fine."

"Ah, so it's a point system," I nod my head. "Who's winning?"

"Me, well technically us," he says. "You can't tell them I told you though."

"So what do you win?" I ask. "And whens the deadline?"

"End of the season," he says. "So yesterday."

"Well what did we win?" I ask. "This is very important."

"Theres different sections, but we won over all," he says. "For the kissing one we got a months supply of icream, also the getting sent nudes one the team had to pitch in to buy that person a designer item. Uh... All the other groups are gift card, so we won four more of those groups. Obviosuly lost the hook up section."

"Good," I say. "Did we win over all?"

"Yes of course we did," he says. "It was cash, I just put half into your account."

"How much was that?" I ask.

"Well at the beginning everyone bets a certain amount, so that means if you lost then you'd have to pay that to the person who won over all. Does that make sense?" he asks.

Guys are weird as fuck.

"Yeah," I say.

"Good. So the more money you bet then obvosly it's gonna make yourself look sure of yourself," he says. "So the more one bets that's means another guy on the team is more likely to try to size up the other."

"Well, how much did you bet?" I ask.

"A couple hundred," he says. "But don't look at me like that, we didn't lose so it's okay."

"Jesus christ," I say. "What the hell is wrong with you guys, is this what you guys do instead of drinking?"

"Yeah, I guess," he says. "It's fine."

"So how much cash did you get?" I ask. "There are nine other guys on your team, you guys are actually crazy."

"I put the third least amount on the line," he puases. "And I put up five hundred, now before you get mad it's just money and it's fine."

"You guys are crazy and need better hobbies," I say. "But I'm proud that we won, I like winning. So how much did you get?"

"Under ten thousand," he says. "It's okay, I already know what I'm gonna use some of it for."

"I don't want the other half of it," I say. "You won it."

"We won it, now promise not to tell any of them or else they'll shave my head," he says. "Okay?"

"Yeah fine," I say. "I won't tell anyone, so what desiner item did you get?"

"Some more shoes for you, they're at home," he says.

"To home we go," I say. "On ward."

My wifi is being liquid ass.


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