Is Soji Mr. Neighbour guy or is Mr. Neighbour guy Soji

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Also, imagine Mr. Neighbour guy with Kasumi^He doesn't look like that though.
Y/n's pov

I feel like shit. And I'm confused. 'Pay Soji 30$', who the fuck is Soji and why am I asleep on the living room floor?

*knock knock*

"Not now Mr. Neighbour guy," I say, rubbing my eyes. "I'm busy."

"She's awake!" I hear Kasumi yell.

"Are you at the neighbours?" I ask getting off the floor. "What are you doing?"

"He picked me up," she calls out.

"One sec, I'm coming," I say, grabbing my phone off the floor, and leaving my apartment.

'Nice of you to join us in the land of the sober'

"Let me in," I say, knocking on his door. "Thanks for getting Kasumi."

'Take it you don't remember hauling your drunk ass home last night?'

"What?" I question. "You brought me home? Did I puke in your car? Did I puke on you? Did I say anything stupid?"

'Just that you slept with a crusty guy and that you shoulda slept with me instead'

"Oh my god," I groan. "What the fuck is wrong with me?"

'Clearly a lot of things'

"Do you know who Soji is, and why do I owe him money?" I ask.

'You don't need to pay me back'

"Your name is Soji?" I ask. "Can I see your face now then? And what did you buy me? I don't see shit in my apartment."

'A plan b'

"Um thanks," I say. "Last night was terrible, let's pretend that it never happened. And I'll pay you back."

'You don't have to'

"Uh, thanks again," I say.

"Guys, I can't read so I don't know what Soji is saying to you," Kasumi says. "Whisper it in my ear."

"Hey, why do you talk to Kasumi and not me?" I ask. "Not fare."

'She's a kid, you're an adult'

"So what?" I ask. "I'm not gonna judge, if I said you were good-looking last night then I'm sure it's all fine."

'It's personal'

"Fine," I sigh. "Now please return Kasumi."

'One second'

"Can I come in?" I ask.

"He shook his head no," Kasumi says. "He's doing something."

"What?" I ask. "Drugs?"

"He shook his head and snorted," she said. "Like a pig, oh now he gave me an annoyed face."

"What's he look like?" I ask. "Tell me Kasumi and I'll give you money."

"He has hair, skin, legs, arms, ears, I think he has toes but he doesn't take off his socks," she says. "And he has a tattoo of boobs on his back, oh he just said he was going to put me in the oven because I lied."

"So does he or does he not have a tattoo of boobs?" I ask.

"He said that both of us are going to be the death of him," she says. "I think he likes us."

"Yeah, we're his only friends," I laugh.

"Oh, I met one of his friends because he stopped by to ch-oh he shook his head like that's a secret," she says. "Never mind."

"Kasumi, who's his friend?" I ask. "What's his name."

"Uh... Markus and he's a milkman," she says. "I don't know."

"Fine," I sigh. "What is he doing?"

"It's a surprise," she says shoving something under the door. "You have to wear a blindfold if you want to come inside."

"This is ridiculous," I say grabbing it off of the ground. "Okay, it's on now."

"He says that if you take it off he'll be irritated," he says.

"K-I-N-K-Y," I spell out.

"What's that mean?" she asks, "Oh he says that you are a menace to society and he didn't take you as the type to be into that kinda stuff."

"I'm not," I say. "I promise I'm not, it was a joke."

"He said that he'll have to test out that theory one day," she says. "Whats K-I-N-K-Y spell?"

"It spells nothing," I say as I feel myself being led into the apartment.

If I die, blame it on Wakatoshi or something.

I wonder what's going to happen.


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