Pov some random guy kisses Y/n and Tsukishima gets the wrong impression

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Y/n's pov

We're in my car now, and yes, Hyun is driving because I... There is no good reason I just like to watch the little man do parkour on the passing buildings.

"Oh shit," I say.

"What's that?" he asks. "Tape?"

"It's for Kei's fingers, he's got a match today," I say. "In about twenty minutes actually, he's gonna fail now because he left it in my car."

"I'm sure those other ball dudes have tape, they seem like the types to tape fingers," he says. "That kinda sounded weird, but you get to disk."

"Gist?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, that one," he says. "You get the gist, ball men carry tape... Whatever the sport is called, basketball with the tennis net."

"Volleyball, with the volleyball net," I laugh. "Maybe I should be giving you language lessons."

"No, I'm convinced that Marigold is teaching me wrong words to get me jumbled, she thinks it's funny. But then again, I love her smile so I guess there are some ups to it," he smiles.

"Do you think we could stop to give him his tape before going to the bridal shop?" I ask. "He's stupid and won't use any other tape, he claims that it'll make him lose. I bet he's panicking right now."

"Oh how panicked can he get?" he asks. "I've met him many times, he seems like the calm and collected type."


Oh god, he's benched. Took us about a half hour to get there meaning to games already started. He's even got his jacket on, meaning that he's lost all hope, he's such a drama queen I swear. Why are volleyball dudes so weird like this, Wakatoshi has to play with a quarter in his right shoe, Bokuto will only play with two pairs of socks on and I know for a fact that Sakusa has those scented lint sheets in his pockets.

And just like all of them, Kei thinks he'll fail without this one kind of tape, weirdo.

"Are you sure we're allowed to walk back here like were coaches?" Hyun asks. "I'm getting weird stares, maybe they wanna scrap."

"You're covered in tattoos and scars," I say. "No one is gonna try to fight you."

"Look, they're calling a timeout, these guys are gonna fight me," he says. "And Marigold said that I can't do anything bad, what if I get deported?"

"You were made a citizen," I say. "No one is going to deport you and no one wants to fight you."

"Oh yeah," he says. "I am a Japanese citizen now... cool."

"Hey idiot, you can stop your crying, your fiance is here to save your ass before coach beats it," Kyoutani says. "Stop mopping around."

"Kei, you're a baby," I say tugging him to the side. "You sat out the game just because you didn't have your tape?"

"I'll have you know that I did not willingly sit out, coach didn't even put me in," he says. "Because he thinks I can't play without my tape."

"Well... can you?" I ask.

"Did you bring it?" he asks.

"If you can play without it, then you don't need it," I say.

"Yes I need it," he says. "Now hurry up, time outs are not that long and I need to get in the game."

Someone loves volleyball.

"Fine here," I laugh holding up the tape. "You're lucky that I love you so much and thought to bring it to you."

"Yeah, thanks or whatever," he rolls his eyes.

"Here, take it," I say. "I need to find me a smoking hot dress, and maybe get some fruit rolls ups on the way."

"Since you're here, can't you just do it?" he asks. "It'll be faster anyway."

"Why Kei?" I ask. "You can do it, is there some special reason you want me to do it? Are you that in love with me?"

"Oh shut up, you know the answer," he says. "Can you just do it? I like it better when you do it."

"I guess I am a pro after all," I say getting to work. "I mean, I better keep my favourite part of you up to my standards."

"Oh as if you have any standards," he says.

"Hey, you don't have any standards either," I say. "Don't act like you do."

"I only want the best, and I only have the best," he says. "I'd say my standards are pretty high."

"Tsukishima, stop being a flirt and get over here," Kyoutani says.

"I am not flirting," Kei scoffs. "Just stay mad that you don't have a fiance."

"Then you stay mad that the other team is staring at her ass," he says. "You're gonna let them beat us and stare at her?"

"Whos looking at her?" Hyun asks. "They can't beat a game if I beat them first."

"I'm coming," Kei says. "It's not like they'll actually beat us."

"Okay Hyun, off we go before you get deported," I say. "Again."

"I can't get deported, I'm a citizen."

Okay, so I'm thinking Azalea as the maid of honour and then Bunny surprises everyone by being a certified wedding officiate. Y'know, since Bunny always has and knows random shit. Also, since most of y'all want Hyun and Wakatoshi to walk her, I suppose that's what will happen.


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