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"Yeah, no I'm not jumping off this damm cliff," Tsukishima says. "I'm not stupid."

"Who's going first?" Yamaguchi asks. "Because it's not going to be me."

"Maddog will go first," Koganegawa says. "Right?"

"Yeah, no," Kyoutani says."I'm not jumping first, not until I know that I won't die."

"Then who's going first?" Hinata asks.




"What? I'm not going first," Hinata says.

"You have to," Tsukishima says. "You're the shortest."

"Height has nothing to do with this," he says. "I'm not going first. Tsukishima should go first."

"My bachelor party... if you can even call it that," he says muttering the last part. "I should get to go last."

"Okay, well I'm not going first," Hinata says. "I've got a wife y'know."

"This is payment," Tsukishima says. "Now jump."

"Payment for what?" Hinata questions.

"Uh, for marrying my cousin and having the fattest crush on my wife in high school," he says. "Now get to jumping."

"Hey, I did not have a fat crush on her, and she's not your wife yet," Hinata says. "It was a tiny little crush because she's like the only girl that talked to me. Then I met your cousin and damm, she's the-."

"Okay, I don't need to hear whatever perverted crap you have to say about my cousin," he says ushering him closer to the edge of the cliff.

"Hey, I wasn't gonna say anything perverted I like to keep my sex life private, mostly," Hinata says. "I don't need everyone to know what she looks like when she-."

"Yeah, thanks now I'm gonna push you," Tsukishima says.

"Hey, you used to talk about your sex life in high school," Hinata says.

"Uh, barley," Tsukishima says lowering his voice. "And that's her dad and brother over there so you don't need to remind them about anything I do I don't do."

"Okay, I think Tsukishima should go first," Ushijima says.

"Agreed," Hyun nods his head.

"Oh great," Tsukishima says. "Now they hate me."

"They don't hate you because you sleep with Y/n, they hate you because you suck at volleyball," Kageyama says.

"Hey Ushijima, remember when Kageyama said that Y/n was ugly?" Tsukishima asks. "And that you sucked at spiking."

"I did not," Kageyama says.

Which was the truth.

"Looks like Kageyama is going first," Ushijima says.

"What?" he asks. "I am not jumping off of this cliff."

"Jump or be pushed," Koganegawa says.



"Fine, just let me take my shoes and stuff off," Kageyama says crouching down to untie his shoes. "I should've stayed home."

"Hey, are there rocks down there?" Hinata asks.

"Yeah, but you'll be fine," Yamaguchi says.

"Yeah, kings can't die," Koganegawa says.

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