Kuroko no balls

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I was trying to put a photo of Akashi here but Wattpad is being classist.
Y/n's pov

"I had fun tonight," I say look up at Kei. "Like lots of fun."

"Good," he looks away from me, clearly trying to play off that he wasn't just staring at me as we walked back to the hotel.

You're not slick Kei, I'm very smart.

"You're a dumbass," he says.

"You can read minds," I say. "I know it, you can read minds."

"No I can't idiot," he shakes his head. "You're just stupid and I felt the need to remind you."

I want to marry you Kei.

"I told you six years," he sighs.

"You can read my mind," I gasp letting go of his hand. "I knew it, I knew it."

"I can't read your mind," he rolls his eyes. "Stop thinking that I do."

"I know that you can read minds," I say pointing an accusing finger at him. "I knew it."

"You know nothing, if I could read your mind my life would've been a whole lot easier," he says taking my hand back in his, pulling me back to his side. "I can't read minds."

"Mhm," I nod my head. "I'll pretend that I believe you right now, just for now."

"Just believe me because I can't read your mind," he says.


"Wanna make out?" I ask.

"Obviously," he says.

"I was joking," I say. "Take that."

"I'm aware, I wouldn't make out with you in public anyway," he says.

"Wow," I shake my head. "I'm offended right now."

I'm just kidding, I know you don't like pda. I love you.

"God, why are you being so loving tonight?" he asks.

"I was literally asking you the same thing earlier," I say. "So my answer is the same as yours."

"Yeah, no. That doesn't work for you because I am meaner to you than you are to me," he says. "I'll have to be even nicer to you now."

What a guy.

"Anyway, what do you think you'd be doing right now if you weren't dating me?" I ask.

"I don't know, what would you be doing if you weren't dating me?" he asks.

"Um... Right now I'd probably be taking care of Kasumi only to go and cry in my bedroom because the thought of knowing that the guy I love could be off doing other girls at that moment would be too painful," I smile. "So I guess it's a good thing we are dating."

"You shouldn't cry over douchebags," he says. "It's dumb."

"You just called yourself a douche bag," I laugh. "Douche bag."

"I called my past self a douche bag, I'm not a douche bag," he says. "So don't call me a douche bag."

"Kei is a douche bag," I say.

"Oh shut up," he says basically covering my whole face with his hand.

That's a new move he's used on me, but he does this to Kasumi. Boy what the hell boy.

"What's this about?" I ask. "You treating me like a child now?"

"I'm not treating you like a child," he scoffs. "I'm just doing Korea a public service by hiding your face from unsuspecting victims."

"Stop trying to seduce me," I laugh pulling his hand down.

"I just called you ugly, in what world is that seducing?" he questions.

"In our world of course," I say. "Isn't that obvious?"

"I should've known you'd say something ridiculous like that," he mutters.

"Also, I've got a gift for you," I say. "You want it?"

"Obviously," he says holding out his hand.

"Not gonna deny the gift?" I ask. "How out of the ordinary."

"I've learned from past mistakes," he scoffs. "Just give it to me."

"If you insist," I smile handing him a photo, face down.

"It's ballsy of you to give me a photo like this in public," he says slipping it into his pocket, not bothering to even look at it.

"Hey, aren't you gonna look at it?" I ask.

"I already know it's a picture of you topless, so I don't need to," he says.

"It could be a picture of my feet," I say. "You don't know."

"I do know," he says.

"You don't," I say walking ahead of him. "You know nothing."

"I know a lot actually," he says.

"Oh yeah, well then I hope you know we aren't sleeping in the same bed tonight," I say. "Have fun."

"Come on babe, don't make me," he says.

Oh my god, when he acts like this it makes me want to smile and take a dive off a building.

"I'll do it," I say. "On god, I will."

"You do realize that if I'm in a different bed, you won't be in the same bed as me right?" he asks.

"Oh yeah..." I pause.

No need to make myself suffer.

"Okay, you can sleep in the bed," I say. "Because I'm feeling generous."

"Hey of course you are," he rolls his eyes. "Now come back here."

"Yeah yeah," I say making my way back to his side. "Singing challenge, if I win, I get to peg you."

"In your dreams, it's not gonna happen," he says.

I know it won't, I don't really like putting in the work anyway.

Yes, I am aware that there are more spelling errors than usual. No, I will not fix them


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