Pov no one gets kissed

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Y/n's pov

"Woah, woah woah look at this!" Nick cheers. "Christopher shutting the girls up, how bold."

"Move Nick, I need a good video," Luca says.

I can't believe it.

"I can't believe it," Ameilia says, although my eyes are closed I can already picture her annoyed face.

His lips were soft, really soft, and he was a good kisser, a really good kisser. He tangled his hand in my hair, almost as if to keep me in place, not that I had any intentions of pulling away, but maybe I should.

"Hey is that some tongue I see?" Mateo questions.

Yes Mateo, yes it is some tongue. Our faces were extremely close together, and I couldn't tell you what was behind the kiss at all, I just know that I was somewhat disappointed. But there's no need to get too overwhelmed, it was just a kiss, wasn't it?

"Wow," Nick says. "Have y'all practised that before?"

"What? No!" I shake my head. "First time."

"Doesn't look like a first-time kiss to me," Amelia huffs. "Y'all a couple or something?"

"Nah they aren't dating, Chrissy wouldn't have let her run off to kiss Nick before," Mateo laughs. "He's not crazy, isn't the right Chris?"

"I'm not crazy, and we're not a couple," Christopher says. "Just uh... just friends."

"Yeah, just friends," I smile.

"Okay Y/n, I've added both of the videos of you kissing up on these guys," Victoria says passing back my phone. "Saved you the trouble of having to sort it out yourself."

"Both?" I question. "You can't do that, people are gonna see."

"That's the whole point," Luca laughs. "And I've taken the liberty of following most of us from your account, you're welcome."

"Oh shit, is your brother on your Instagram?" Christopher asks.

"No, I blocked him after he was a bitch," I say. "Why?"

"Why? Because he'll have my head if he sees a video of me kissing you, whether it was a dare or not," he says. "I don't want to die over a dare."

"The plot thickens," Mateo snickers.

"Um, Christopher and I are gonna go home now," I say standing up. "It really was nice to meet you all."

Time for another spazz attack I presume.

"Oh ho ho," Nick says. "Gonna have a private party?"

"No we're just gonna go home," I say.

"Hey, I still didn't get my turn yet," Amelia says.

"Play with everybody else," I say. "I'm not stopping you."

"But why do you have to take Christopher with you?" she asks. "Is he your dog, or are you just his mother?"

I'm gonna hit her, I'm gonna hit her, I swear I'm going to hit her.

"See you guys next time," Christpher says grabbing my hand. "Mateo, Victoria stay safe."

"Oh you know it Chrissy," Marteo smiles. "See you next time, don't be a stranger."

Okay guys ion know what to do now, should they date? But then he'll have a big heart break when I have to write the Tsukishima part. Should they forget the kiss and ignore it all together? Should they become some sort of weird friends with benefits but i'd have to imply any benefits cuz ion write that stuff. Or should I do something different all together, I require aid if I don't see any ideas in the comments I'll feel betrayed.


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