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Y/n's pov

"It's my birthday!" Kasumi yells jumping on the bed.

Y'know, I really thought after swimming and eating last night she'd be tired, but no, why would she be.

"Happy birthday," I say, opening my eyes. "You're four."

"Get up, get up," she says tugging on my arms. "Kei made me wait until ten to wake you up, it's ten now so get up. We've got a big day today, knife shoes, we are going to use knife shoes. Oh, but I want my presents first."

"Come on Kasumi, give her a minute," Kei says scooping her off of me as if she's a feather. "Do you want her to get cranky and sell you?"

"If anything, she's gonna sell you," she says. "Yup, she'll sell you to the black market people, and they will take all your onions."

"You mean organs?" I ask, sitting up.

"Onions, organs, same difference," she says, still dangling from Kei's arms. "Now come on, we even had time to buy a cake and breakfast before you woke up. Hurry up before you get divorced."

"Divorced from who?" I ask. "And what time did you get Kei up?"

"I am going to divorce you as my mom," she says.

"Alright then," I yawn. "Anyway, Kei when did she start harassing you?"

"Around six," he shrugs.

"Kasumi, I'm glad that you took away his precious sleep," I say. "He didn't deserve it anyway, wake him up all the time."

"Don't wake me up, wake her up, she's your mother," he says. "It's your job to bug her."

"Can we eat now?" she asks. "I'm so hungry, and I'm going to die of starvation."

"What food did you guys get?" I ask, getting out of the bed and making my way towards the small table.

"We got-," Kei starts.

"I am going to tell her," Kasumi says grabbing a plate. "Because I paid for it."

"What?" I ask.

"She asked me to borrow money to buy the food, only to give the money back because she couldn't reach far enough to hand it to the guy," he snickers.

"Shh," she shakes her head. "I'll steal your toes."

"Okay, okay," he says. "Go on, you chose all the food."

"We got a jar of pickles, a strawberry shortcake, funnel cake, the bts meal and smoothies," she says. "Even though Mister said that pickles are not a breakfast food."

"They aren't," he says taking a seat.

"Anything is a breakfast food if it's morning," I say. "Anything you eat in the morning."

"Anything you eat in the morning," he nods his head. "Like in high school."

"Kei, you are foul," I laugh. "I am not breakfast."

"Is he a cannibal?" Kasumi whispers. "Is he gonna chop us up."

"No, he's not a cannibal," I say. "He just has a headache, a blue headache."

"What's a blue headache?" she asks.

"Don't worry about it, only guys like Kei can get it," I say.

"Hmm," she nods his head. "Okay, I don't care anymore, eat and sing me happy birthday so then we can use knife shoes."

"I do not have a blue headache," Kei mumbles.

"Yes you do," I smile. "Good thing there a sale on lotion at the store."

"Oh I love the sniffs of bath and body works lotion," Kasumi says.

How is it that she can speak so well but then there are the simplest things that she accidentally messes up? But I can't lie, it is cute.

"Kei over here prefers none scented," I say. "He's rather vanilla."

"One day when she's older she's going to think back to all these conversations we had and realize that we're crazy people," he shakes his head.

"How long is the going to have this blue headache?" Kasumi asks. "And can it kill him?"

"Hmm," I tap my chin. "I don't know, how long will you have this blue headache Kei?"

"I don't have a blue headache," he says.

"He'll probably have it for six more months," I shrug. "Give or take."

"Six months?" he questions as he lights her four candles. "Why six?"

"Okay, I'm wishing," Kasumi says.

"What about singing?" I ask.

"I changed my mind," she says leaning towards the cake. "I don't want you guys to sing to me, just make my birthday wish come true."

"Yeah sure," Kei says.

"Depends on what it is," I say. "It can't be anything crazy, okay?"

"Fine," she says getting ready to blow out the candles. "I wish for a baby sister or brother."

Then she blew out the candles.

"Yeah, you can have that," Kei says.

"No, you cannot," I say. "No brothers or sisters, just Kasumi."

"Why not Y/n?" Kei asks.

"Yeah, mom, why not?" Kasumi asks.

"Because, I have no interest in having another kid," I say. "Ever, I don't wanna hear about it again."

"Oh, she's cranky now," Kasumi laughs. "Oopsie."

"Oopsie is right," Kei laughs.

"Both of you guys are insane," I say.

"Just eat your food, cheer up," Kei smirks holding up a pickle. "Even though I like it when you're mad."

"Vile," I say before aggressively taking a bite of the pickle. "And that's you."

"Don't act like you aren't amused," he says.

I didn't go to school today, because fuck school that's why.


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