Let's talk 'bout his body count

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Y/n's pov

"Y/n, you're here," Azalea says wrapping me in a hug.

I wanted to puke.

"I missed you," she says. "We all missed you so much."

"Well maybe not all," I force out a laugh.

The last thing I need to do is cry over something I did.

"I wish you woulda answered my texts," she says still not letting go. "I messaged you every day you know, same with Bunny."

Messages? I mean, I never messaged them, but I didn't... I don't have my old phone or phone number.

"Y/n, you left us on seen," Bunny says, forcing herself in Azalea's place to squeeze me. "You look like shit."

Wakatoshi has my old phone, I didn't even think about it.

"I never saw them," I say.

"What?!" she partially yells, pulling away to look at me. "You didn't see anything?"

"Shit," Azalea mumbles. "This is bad."

"What? Did y'all send pictures of your tits or something?" I ask, just trying t turn this into a joke, I wish it was a joke.

"Y/n, I promised that I told you about this," Azalea says. "About Tsuki, I thought you'd know, I-"

"He's got a girlfriend," I smile. "That's good."

What really could I say? I broke up with him, and that's that.

"No, that's not good," Bunny says. "That's just his flavour of the week, man whore he is."

"Bunny," Azalea says. "Don't get too loud."

"I don't give a shit, I don't like him," she says. "The nerve he had to come waltzing into the cafe with a new girl, not even a week after you left-"

"Bunny," Azalea says smacking the back of her head. "Shut up for a damm second will you?"

Not even a week, and he had another girl?

"No, I haven't seen this girl in a hot minute, everything is coming out now," she says. "And get this, nine different girls, he's had, nine!"

"It's only been seven months," I say. "How could he have had nine?"

"Cause he's a man whore, who sleeps around," Bunny says. "You shoulda saw the shit that went down, I thought that he was gonna kill him-!"

"Bunny, you need to shut the fuck up before I beat you," Azaela says, hitting her hard enough to shut her up. "Who would you feel if you were in her position."

Well, you'd feel like shit, I'll tell you that.

"How long has he been with this girl?" I ask.

"A week now," she says.

He'd never hold me that close in front of other people, even after months of dating.

"A slut too," Bunny scoffs. "Just look at her damm neck-"

"Be nice Bunny," I say. "That's his girlfriend."

I was in no place to be judging anyone, the hole was dug for me, and instead of deciding to continue on the bumpy road, I dove headfirst in the pit.

"Y/n, you can't be serious," Bunny says. "He has no decency."

"Bunny I treated him like shit," I say grabbing her hand. "Don't hold it against him."

I don't even want to think about the look he had when I broke his heart for the last time, the first time it was terrible. I can only imagine how much worse it was the last time I did it.

"I can't just not feel anything," she says. "You're my friend, how do you want me to react? How should I feel."

"I don't know," I shrug. "Happy?"

"Happy?!" She questions, almost yelling. "Why the fuck would I be happy for him?!"

"I mean, I can somewhat agree with her," Azalea says. "I'm not happy about it, but it's not my place."

"Just ignore it then," I say. "Would you rather him be mopping around all sad, no talking, and completely crushed? And all because of me."

I don't know if it was because what I was saying was making sense, or if it was the harsh grip I had on her arm, but she let up.

"I won't say anything," she says pulling her arm away. "But I don't like him."

"Azalea," I say.

"My opinions on him are up in the air," she shrugs.

"Fine, whatever," I say.

I wanted to cry, and I wanted to spill out an entire sob story.

"Y/n, are you seriously going in there?" Bunny questions.

I just need to see it fully, I just saw the back of his head as well as the girls. I don't want to believe, and I don't think until I see it in full that I will. So I pushed through the door, looking like shit.

I didn't need to move all that much, I went straight to sit at the front corner, and it was no doubt him with a new girl. I sat in my seat, and I wish I would've ignored the urge I had to turn around to see his face.

I guess I just wanted to have one last image of him in my head, and I don't blame his somewhat petty reaction. We made eye contact, and he looked bored more than anything. I would've been happy with that image, that is if he didn't decide to immediately shove his lips onto the other girl, still holding eye contact.

I wanted to hit him or something, but who was I to do that? He wanted to make it work, and I was too scared. So covering up any hostility I had, I just gave him a smile, a genuine smile. It didn't last long before I turned facing forward.

"Marigold, I need to make a few calls," I say, draining my face from any emotion, something that I had managed to pick up from my mom.

"Where too?" she asks sliding over her phone.

"Amerca," I say taking the phone. "And Korea."

Out of everyone, I think Marigold was the one who stayed the same. As if I hadn't been gone for like ever.

"And I need a pack of cigarettes," I say bringing the phone up to my ear.

I'm so tired now, lemme pass out.


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