My hips, in fact, do not lie

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Also, I don't have any other photos saved in my files
Y/n's pov

"Y/n!" she practically ruptured my eardrums.

"Yes, Kasumi," I say.

"I was thinking about the doll and the firefly, and I need to know if the moon showing that he was a firefly was better," she says. "So I need a bedtime story now, even though it's morning."

"Later," I say. "I'll tell you later."

"No, I need to hear it now? What about the sun? If the doll only has the moon then what about the morning?" she asked.

"Fine," I sigh leaning against the counter. "I'll tell you some more of the story."

"Okay first tell me about the sun," she says.

"The doll only has the moon, she doesn't need the sun because since her boxes were always dark the moon was more than enough light for her," I say.

"Okay okay," she says. "Now go back to the main story."

"After the moon had revealed that he was a firefly, Kei, the doll was able to be with him better. He wasn't always in the sky anymore, she could hold his hand and sometimes look in his eye before he'd fly above her head once more," I say. "Even when she could not see the firefly, he was watching out for, and maybe if I- maybe if she had realized that things wouldn't have become so different."

"Wait, so is the firefly also a boy? How does Kei have hands?" she asks. "Can he be a firefly boy?"

"Yes, he can be a firefly boy," I sigh. "Anyway, one day Kei and the doll went on a trip, with the other planets. To a place they've never been together, the place she had been tricked by the fox. But she was not scared this time, she'd be able to see in the dark, thanks to the firefly."

"Who was at this place?" she asks.

"Owls, cats, planets, a whole bunch of who's and what's. The doll spent her time watching the animals and planets, and paring glances at the firefly who had but his moon crust back on," I say. "They liked to watch each other, without the other knowing. But the moon was still sad, sad and confused that the doll seemed to really enjoy spending time with the cats and the owls. But despite his sadness and confusion, late at night, he ran into the doll, and gave her her own sliver of moonlight, a promise to stay with her."

"Wow," she says. "I bet the moon is great, and that the doll was so happy."

"Yeah, she was," I smile a bit nodding my head. "She was so happy, and gave him, even more, ribbons and ribbons and ribbons to show how much she loved him."

"Did he keep the ribbons in his pocket with the rest?" she asks.

"Yes, he did. He kept all the ribbons in his pocket, he didn't want to lose any of them," I say. "And because the doll finally had a bit of her own light, for the first time ever she was able to see just how beautiful the firefly was, and she decided that she just wanted to be able to see him smile."

"So does that mean the doll gets live happily eve rafter with Kei?" she asks. "And do they get to move into their own cottage?"

"No, we aren't at that part yet," I say. "The story isn't over."

"Kasumi, there you are," I hear the faint voice of the women who takes care of the children. "Where have you hidden the phone this time."

"You're just like the mean woman that kept the doll in the box," Kasumi says. "I have my own moon now."

"Bye-bye Kasumi," I say before hanging up, even though she probably couldn't hear me. Then I went back to the table to eat.

I am also Mosses.


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