Hyun is gonna be a new character

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Also, you cannot simp for him.

Y/n's pov

"How did we end up in a battle?" Atsumu asks, in a whisper.

"Things must always end like this," I say. "Now we must make a battle strategy."

How we went from talking about our adult life to having a nerf or nothing war is beyond me, but we'll manage. Kuroo and Christopher are on one team, Atsumu, Bokuto and I are on the other. Currently, Bokuto is being held as ransom in exchange for our forfeit. But I refuse to give up, I'd rather die. To win, we must retrieve their flag, so you could compare this to capture the flag.

"So how are we supposed to win?" Atsumu asks. "Who should we take out first?"

"Uh, definitely Christopher because he's smart and could flick me kin the forehead to kill me," I say. "But they must be expecting that, so there's only one option left."

"We're gonna play dirty?" he asks. "But not too dirty that we forfeit a win?"

"Precisely," I nod my head.

"Forfeit or Bokuto dies!" Kuroo calls out.

"Come on Bird, a loss isn't the end of the world!" Christopher chimes in. "You'll be fine!"

"You've got ten minutes!" Kuroo adds on. "Ten minutes to forfeit!"

Now, why is it such a bad thing if we let Bokuto die? Well, any player who dies has to drink the unblended smoothie or surprise, essentially it's a mix of every snack we've had tonight put in a cup along with some liquids from the kitchen.

"I've got an idea," Atsumu says running into the upstairs bedroom, as that's where we are. "Take off your clothes."

"Nah, this just turned fifty shades too fast," I say. "Ima head out."

"No no, not like that, unless that's what you want of course," he laughs. "But, I mean you need to go change and give me all of your discarded clothing."

"What, why?" I ask.

"Look, do you think we'll be able to outsmart or beat them with straight?" he asks. "Bokuto was our strongest force and Chrissy down there pinned him down like it as nothing."

"Fine, then how can we win?" I ask. "We can't kill them, we'll lose the fight."

"Just get changed," he says ushering me into the bathroom. "Hurry, or we'll lose."

And so I changed, all my clothes, everything.

"Okay, so here's my plan," he says sitting down on the ground.

"Times almost up!" Kuroo yells.

Another key factor, Atsumu Bokuto and I all must touch the flag to win unless we give up Bokuto and count him as dead.

"We convince them that you've gone to extreme measures and taken off all you're clothing, stripping down to nothing. They'll have to close their eyes, because boobs, duh, and your crazy boyfriend, duh," he says. "You'll stand at the top of the stairs, tuck the straps of your tank top under your armpits and wear a towel. Throw the clothes down, they'll have no choice but to close their eyes when you go to drop the towel."

"How do you know it'll work?" I ask. "And what about Bokuto? We can't save him if his eyes are closed."

"That's Kuroo and Christopher, Kuroo doesn't have an urge to see your tits, and if Christopher saw you naked that would be a death sentence," he says. "And figure out a clue we can give Bokuto to let him know you're bluffing?"

Think Y/n, there's got to be something... I got it.

"I've got nipple piercings," I say.

"Um, what?" he asks.

"Yeah, Kuroo and Bokuto know, Christopher doesn't," I say. "You didn't know until I just told you, you can say that you saw them and they'll believe it."

"Yeah, but they would just say that I told you," he says.

"Yeah, but tell them you saw tiny green dinosaur piercings," I say. "Bokuto will know that you never saw me naked because he knows the jewelry I have in, same since high school."

"How?" he asks. "Won't Kuroo know too?"

"It's dark since we can't have lights on, my piercings are glow in the dark," I say.

"Really?" he asks. "That's sick."

"Your reaction is just why Bokuto will know ere fibbing," I say. "Dumb people like us would never leave out such a detail like glow in the dark, Kuroo would not pay attention to that aspect."

"That's so stupid, it's brilliant," he says. "Let's do it."

Hyun is part Korean and part Japanese.


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