Christopher path reveal

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These are just the chapters that are written for it already. In no particular order.
Y/n's pov

"Does this dress look nice," I ask the lady as she's making adjustments.

"Yes Miss, it looks beautiful," she smiles. "It's a nice colour."

"Christopher," I say. "What do you think?"

"He's out in the waiting area," she says.

"Why's he out there? Actually doesn't matter, can you please go and get him?" I ask.

"Are you sure, I mean this is a fitting," she says.

"As long as I don't strip naked then it's fine," I say.

"I'll get him right away," she says.

"Thank you," I nod my head before turning back to the mirror.

We got back to Japan I don't know when because memory is overrated. And I've been dreading this, do you know long I have to stand here still? It's fucking boring.

"Oh Christopher, thank God you're here, how do you think this dress looks?" I ask.

"Well of course you look nice," he says leaning against the wall. "You always do."

"So I shouldn't burn the dress and pretend like I lost it somewhere?" I ask.

"Yeah probably don't do that," he says. "And besides you look really great in it."

"Okay good, also you need to get something to wear too," I say. "I don't have any university friends so you are going to be in a lot of photos."

"I'm sure you have at least some other people you want to take some photos with," he says. "Just for the memory."

"The memory of getting clowned on because I looked like an actual child the whole time I was enrolled? Yeah no, thank you," I say. "Just got a basic ass degree so I can be a bad bitch CEO."

"It's still a degree," he says. "More than what I have."

"It's fine," I shrug lifting up my arms for the lady. "And you never told me how you got this job, so spill."

"You were there when I got it, we got along," he says. "That's how."

"No I mean before that, there were many stages to getting to the last part," I say. "And what made you interested in this job, please tell me. Was this your dream job or something?"

"Not exactly," he says. "But I don't really need to get into details, but trust me, I love this job."

"But it's not just a job, right?" I ask. "We're like really good friends also."

"Yeah, of course, we're... friends," he smiles.

"Good," I smile back.

L for Christopher.


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