Okay, so y'all know that I moved out when I was fourteen...

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So that was like two years ago. Whatever, I pay rent to live in a basement suite and whenever my friends say that they're coming to my place. They always message our group chat "let's meet in the cum basement" my living space in recognized as the cum basement.

Y/n's pov

Are we on the train? Nope. In an Uber? Yes. Now, why are we not taking the train as he had planned? That is a good question, thank you for asking.

"Kei, care to elaborate on the situation?" I ask.

"I already told you that I can't hear your internal monologue," he says. "And we're not talking about it now."

Kei almost killed someone.

"And I did not almost kill someone," he rolls his eyes.

"You tell me that you can't read my mind or hear my thoughts, but then you contradict that by doing just that," I shake my head.

"You're so annoying sometimes," he says.

"If I'm so annoying then why are you playing with my hand, hmm?" I ask.

I feel bad for the Uber driver, he has to listen to me speak, what a shame for him.

"I said that you were annoying, don't that I don't... Just look out the window and pretend there's a guy doing parkour on everything we pass," he says.

I love him.

"Stop looking at me like that," he says.

"You're crazy," I say.

"I am not, have you met yourself?" he asks.

"You told a guy you were gonna snap his neck," I say.

"I did not," he scoffs lowering his voice to say the next part. "I said that I'd break his wrist, there's a huge difference."

And there you have it, we had to take an uber because he threatened some guy at the train station, and although I respect him being defensive the best I could possibly ask for I do not enjoy having to ask a stranger to separate my boyfriend from a stanger.

"You could've gotten beat up," I say. "Badly."

"But I didn't, so it doesn't matter," he says. "Plus, that guy deserved it anyway."

Okay okay, in his defence the guy's hand has meer inches away from grabbing my ass or smacking it. So yes, I respect, but Kei would've gotten beat the fuck up. I mean, this guy was massive. Taller than Kei, buffer than Christopher and sturdier than Wakatoshi. He was a beast, I honestly don't think that Christopher could beat him in a fight.

"You almost died," I say. "I was gonna cry when he went to try to grab onto you."

"It's fine," he says. "And I did not almost die."

"Uh, yes you did," I say. "I am a witness, that guy was huge you would not be able to beat him in a fight."

"I know that, but there wasn't going to be a fight," he says. "And he wasn't even that huge."

"Kei, he had at least five inches on you," I say. "Well height wise anyways, if you catch my drift."

I am so sorry uber driver.

"Shut up," he says.

"I want to talk to you," I say.

"Too bad," he says. "You lost your privileges."

"I'm being oppressed," I say. "What next, you gonna take away my privilege to vote in the Us presidential election?"

"You can't vote in the US," he shakes his head.

"Wow Kei, you're setting society back years," I say. "I'm shocked."

"I'm done talking to you," he says.

"Kei, I want a baby," I say.

"Really?" he questions. "Like a kid? You want to have a kid with me? We can have one, anytime, are you serious?"

"No," I laugh. "And I thought that you were done talking to me?"

"I'm not holding your hand anymore," he grumbles folding his arms over his chest.

"Fine, I don't need you," I say folding my hands together. "I'll hold my own hand."

"That just made you sound sad," he laughs.

So I hate multiple-choice questions so I guess that whole part of my test, I got a 67 on that part. But it's fine because both of my essays pulled through with perfect scores as to be expected.


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