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Y/n's pov

Kasumi won, she put on her bathing suit and forced herself into my shower, but I really am not surprised. That's why I had put on a bathing suit before getting in. After that, we pretty much just hung around the apartment letting Kasumi get in some more playtime before Christopher showed up.

"Hey Christopher, it really was nice of you to move me into a building just so I could maybe get back together with Kei," I smile greeting him at the door. "I knew most of the time, you really aren't slick."

"I told you that she would figure it out," Christopher says.

"No you did not," Kei scoffs. "You said that this was our best plan, I should've never listened to you."

"To me?" he questions. "Maybe if you weren't a douche last night Kasumi wouldn't have thrown a toy car at your head, and then you could've gotten back together with Y/n there."

"Well maybe, but I'm not even back together with her now," Kei shakes his head. "We need a new plan, she'd going to make me wait months."

"It's your own fault," he says. "I'm not the man whore, you're lucky she's even talking to you."

"You don't think I know that I'm lucky?" he asks. "I know that."

"Okay, Kei can ride with Christopher and I'll drive Kasumi," I say. "Off to the cars."

"How about, I take you and Kasumi, and Christopher doesn't come over to my mom's house," Kei says.

"Need I remind you why she doesn't hate your guts?" Christopher asks. "I could've told her to never ever go back to you, but look, I didn't. You're coming in my car."

"Boys are crazy," Kasumi says shaking her head. "That's why girls are better."

"Christopher can leave his car here and I'll drive to my mom's in my car," Kei says. "He's not driving me anywhere."

"Too bad Kei," I say.

"Then can't I drive you and Kasumi?" he asks.

"No, Christopher can you take Kasumi downstairs and put her in my car please?" I ask. "I need to talk to Kei for a moment."

"Oooo, you're in trouble," Kasumi says backing out of the apartment slowly. "That's my mom you're talking to, it better go well, she's the prettiest."

"You're mom?" Christopher asks.

"Yeah, I'm adopting her, I'm still getting used to the whole mom thing though," I say waving them off. "She can explain it all to you."

"What do you need to talk to me about?" Kei asks, leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

"What do you want for Christmas?" I ask. "I didn't get you a gift yet."

"This is a trick question, I'm not answering," he says.

"It is not, I need to get you a present," I say.

"I don't like presents," he says. "I don't want anything from you, give me what you want to give me."

"You don't want a present?" I ask.

"No, I don't want a present," he says. "Let's just get going."

"It's too bad you didn't want my present," I say tossing a mistletoe to the ground. "But you're right, we should get going."

"Wait, no, I want the present," he says coming over towards me. "I take it back."

"Too late," I laugh opening the door. "You should just take gifts when they're offered."

"I didn't know that it was going to be that," he says. "Come on, just a small kiss Y/n."

"Not gonna happen," I laugh. "Maybe I'll be nice enough to give you a hug tomorrow, don't know yet."

"Can I even go near you?" he asks, only irritated because I was teasing him.

"Yeah, you can," I say. "But how it was when we weren't dating, be patient."

"Fine," he rolls his eyes grabbing my hand. "I held your hand before we were dating so don't even start. And I've given you hugs and stuff."

"You're such a big baby," I say.

"So what? Not as big as you," he says.

"So now you're calling me fat?" I question. "Wow."

"You know what I mean, you're not fat, you're perfect..." he pauses. "I hate you."

"I hate you too," I smile.

There isn't going to be another big issue for a while.


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