Pov Tsukishima hooks up with one of his old gf's, but Y/n doesn't know yet

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Y/n's pov

It's Christmas today, and I decided to spare myself from the embarrassment of having to tell everybody that Kei and I got in a fight I let Kasumi spend most of Christmas with Dai and his newfound family. but of course, I'll be there for a bit but she's spending the night. I'm glad Dai is doing well.

And as for Akemi, that's a name his father would call him since Dai is what Azalea names him.

"Did Kei talk to you?" I ask, sitting beside Yamaguchi.

"All he said was that you two fought," he says. "Didn't tell me what it was about."

"Did he say where he was going?" I ask. "Or anything like that?"

"No," he shakes his head. "Has he not called you?"

"No," I sigh.

"Mom, mom," Kasumi says running over to me. "I can spend the night here yeah?"

"Yeah, I already said that it was fine," I smile.

"Thanks, Y/n," Dai says hugging my arm.

"Yeah, thank you Y/n," Azalea says.


After that, I went to Wakatoshi's place, per his request.

"Y/n, where is Tsukishima?" he asks as I walk inside.

"He had to go on a trip," I say.

"During the holidays?" Tendo asks. "Try not to miss him too much."

"Mhm," I nod my head.

"We have purchased a gift for you," Wakatoshi says holding out a box. "It's an air fryer."

"Wakatoshi you, weren't supposed to tell her," Tendo laughs.

"I read an article of a lady in Tokyo getting surprised which caused a heart attack," he says. "She died, I do not wish to kill my sister on Christmas."

"Wakatoshi, that lady was like eighty," I say sitting down to open up the present. "And had heart problems, I'm not gonna have a heart attack over an air fryer."

"But you could," he says. "And it would be my fault and then I'd have to live with that fact for the rest of my life, eventually falling into a pit of sadness and guilt. Eventually, I'd end up living on the side of the road looking for you after I had gone mad."

What the actual fuck Wakatoshi.

"Are you okay?" I ask. "And why would you be living on the side of the street?"

"Because I would suffer a breakdown during a volleyball match recalling all those times we played together," he says. "But you can't play because you died because I surprised you with an air fryer."

"But when I'm dead I can play ghost volleyball," I say.

"Oh," he pauses. "Then I guess I would not suffer a breakdown, but I still would feel guilty."

"She's not gonna have a heart attack and die," Tendo says. "She's healthy."

"Yeah but shingles doesn't care," Wakatoshi says.

"I don't have shingles," I say.

"So?" he asks. "You can die any day."

"Thanks, that's so comforting," I say.

"We also made you some food," he says holding out a plate. "Homemade, not from Mcdonalds."

"Wakatoshi, those are McNuggets," I say. "From Mcdonalds."

"No," he says.


"Surprise," I say pulling out two gift bags. "I bought you guys some presents."

"Y/n, I could've had a heart attack."

So what, it's been like two or three days since the fight or sum.


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