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Y/n's pov

He can back new years eve, why he felt the need to piss off and act like this for more than a week, I don't know. He didn't really seem to have anything to say to me, but I had a few words for him.

"Just so you know Kei, when you decide to fuck off the world doesn't stop, and you're not only affecting me," I say shoving a box into his hands. "Try explaining to a child why one of their favourite people in the world wasn't here for Christmas."

Sure, he had presents for her but I'm sure Kasumi woulda much rather have him here, so of course, I had to cover up for him.

"Mom!" Kasumi yells from the kitchen. "Can I please have more fries!?"

"Kei's back and he has a present," I say walking towards the kitchen. "Why don't you go say hi?"

"A present?" she asks.

Yes, she was very excited as she ran to the front door, moments later she was even more excited once she opened the present. One thing that would get her to completely forget about the fact that he missed Christmas.

"Skates!" she yells.

You see, there were these skates that she really wanted, so expensive for no reason but she said she'd just wait for them because she'd eventually grow out of them. Basically, she wanted to save money. So of course, I went and bought them for Kei to give to her, then told Kasumi that he had to go to get her a very special gift.

"Please can we go get Dai and go skating?" she asks running back to me. "Please, Azalea said that even though things are crazy at the moment I could hang out with him anytime. Please, mom, please?"

"Yeah, sounds fun," I smile. "Go upstairs and get some warm clothes on."

"Oh my god I can wear those skating leggins Is got for Christmas," she gasps. "And my hat, and gloves."

Then she ran so fast upstairs, I swear all this girl wants to do is skate, at this point, I should just turn one of the bedrooms into an ice rink.

"Y/n," Kei says.

"What?" I ask turning to look at him.

"I'm sorry," he says holding out what I can only assume is a gift.

"I'm not taking that present until you talk to me," I say. "And I don't want your apology either, you were rude, and obviously being rude to me is not something you actively go out to do. Now tell me where you went, despite what you may think I worry about you when I don't hear from you."

"I went to Osaka," he says.

"Okay, what's in Osaka?" I ask.

"Family," he says.

"But all your family live here in Sendai," I say.

"They were on vacation," he says. "And I needed to talk to them before they got back."

"Fine," I say. "And I want to move."

"What?" he questions. "Why? I'm sorry Y/n, please, I'm working things out right now I didn't mean to act like that."

"I just mean I wanna move out of this apartment altogether," I say. "So when you get your shit together, we can have a normal conversation. But as of now, I don't want to talk to you unless it's real. And I'm not gonna break up with you."

Girlboss move.



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