I'm so tired rn, so no pic

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Y/n's pov

"Hey mom," Kasumi says from the back seat.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Oh nothing, I just like calling you mom," she shrugs. "Mom, mother, mom, my mom."

"Well, that's good to hear," I laugh.

"Is Kei going to be my dad now?" she asks. "After you kiss him and get married?"

"No one said that," I say.

"Isn't that why you want to wait to adopt me?" she asks. "So then after you marry Kei you can adopt me together. Then we can move and live in a penthouse and be a happy family."

"Kasumi, where do you get all these ideas?" I ask. "And also, you better not tell any of them to Kei."

"It's just a dream," she says. "I think everything's going to be good now, and I like Kei. I want you to keep him."

"Well obviously I'm going to keep him, I just need to let our lives fit together," I say. "If we mush them together right now, things might get messy."

"I'm happy that you and Kei are going to be boyfriend and girlfriend soon," she smiles. "I like him lots, and he loves you two. Even though he made you cry, I think it will be okay."

"I think so too," I smile back.


"Oh my god, Y/n, I missed you so much," Akina says pulling me in for a tight hug the moment we all walked into the house. "It's so good to see you."

"I missed you too," I say hugging her back. "It's also really good to see you."

"Hey Y/n," Akiteru says from the couch, waving. "And company."

"You've gotten taller, you're hairs longer, you look so mature," she says pulling away. "It really is so good to see you."

"Who's that guy over there?" Kasumi asks hugging my leg, almost hiding behind it.

"That's my brother," Kei says crouching down briefly. "He's not scary, I promise. He's the type of guy who'd like to play bingo."

"Oh, bingo guys are harmless," Kasumi says.

"And who is this young lady, and Christopher, it's nice to see you again," Akina says as I pick up Kasumi.

"So does everyone know about you now?" I ask glancing over to Christopher.

"Yeah, you can just assume everyone knows me," he nods his head.

"And Akina, this is Kasumi, my daughter," I say. "She's three, four in February."

"Oh, I didn't know that you had a kid," she said making her way over to the couch.

"Yeah, I'm kind of a big deal around here," she says. "And since you're my grandma now, I think that means you should call me sweetie and bake cookies."

Oh my god.

"Kei, you have a kid?" Akiteru questions. "Is that why Y/n went to the states? Was she pregnant?"

"No, I did not get Y/n pregnant," he says.

"I'm planning on adopting her," I say. "I didn't give birth to her or anything, but I don't think it matters where she came from."

"And mister over here wishes he was dating my mom," Kasumi says crawling over to Kei. "But he's not, because he's a loser. Also lady, can I call you grandma?"

"Of course sweetie," she says.

"You don't need to bring up the fact that I'm not with Y/n," Kei says holding her.

"It's your fault though," Christopher snickers.

"Good, she should'nt take you back so easily," Akina says.

"Yeah Kei," I say. "Maybe I shouldn't even take you back at all."

"Hey, let's not go so far," he says. "I don't want to have to be single forever. And no one gives her any ideas, at all."

"This is why you came in looking all grumpy?" Akina asks. "Because you couldn't go straight back to dating her?"

"No, I already accepted that I have to wait," he says. "And I am not grumpy."

"He's grumpy because I wouldn't give him a kiss," I laugh.

"I am not," he says.

"Or maybe it was because I made him sleep on the couch," I say. "Who knows with him."

"I chose to sleep on the couch, I live next door, I could've gone home," he grumbles.

"I mean, whatever gets you to sleep at night," Kasumi says.

"Shoulda forced him into the tub or something, Bird," Christopher laughs.

"Well, Kei does have a tendency to use the shower as a bed," Akina nods his head. "I'm sure he'll find some comfort there."

Oh dear god no.

"Uh, I'm going to go upstairs to show Kasumi the toys now," I say, embarrassed, grabbing Kasumi from Kei's lap.

"I need to make sure my old room is clean," Kei says, getting up following me.

"Did I miss some joke or something?" Christopher asks.

"I think, but I missed it too," Akiteru says. "So you're not alone with the confusion."

"Rember guys, the bathroom isn't soundproof!" Akina calls out, laughing.

No, that is never happening again...

Well, not in this specific shower at least.

I'm going to sleep now, I have school tomorrow.


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