Untitled Part 116

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Y/n's pov

Does Kei like me? I don't know, I really don't know.

"Did you and Kei have a fight or something?" My mother asks. "Is he ignoring you?"

Yes, he has indeed been ignoring me throughout all of Wakatoshi's mini birthday party, for good reason of course. Well, he sees it as a good reason.

"Yeah, I think he is ignoring me," I nod my head.

By the way, all the guys plus Kasumi are outside right now. So I get to have some lovely mother-daughter bonding time. Lucky me.

"Why is ignoring you?" she questions. "What is wrong with him?"

"Oh, it's nothing," I shrug.

"Did you say something to him?" she asks. "Is he mad at you?"

Bingo, I did say something to him.

"What did you say to him?" she asks. "Were you being rude again?"

"I was not being rude," I say. "Promise."

I think we can all guess what I've been saying to him, but if you can't, just know I got some tips from Bunny on what I should say to get him so worked up.

"What did you tell him?" she asks. "He must be angry or somewhere along those lines."

"He's not," I say pulling out my phone. "I'll text him."

Moments later Kei was back in the house, yeah he's kinda mad.

"What's the matter Kei?" I ask. "Are you mad at me?"

"No, I am not mad," he says. "Why would I ever be bad at you?"

Yes, protection because my mother is sitting right beside me. W.

"Then why have you been ignoring me?" I ask. "You're gonna hurt my feelings."

Yeah, I've really been pissing him off.

"Y/n and I are going to the store, we'll be while," he says. "Kasumi wants snacks."


"Okay, off to the store we go," I say getting up from the couch. "We'll be a very long while."

"Yes, now hurry up," Kei says.

"I am hurrying," I say.


"Tendo!" I call out. "Come to the store with us!"

Haha Kei, you're a loser.

"Y/n you-," he pauses before pulling out his phone, walking to the front door so we can level.

"I'm coming!" Tendo calls back.

Now time to see what Kei could possibly have to say to me over text.

Kei: Stop it.

Y/n: Stop what?

Kei: Stop being like this.

Y/n: Like what?

Kei: Stop talking, and sending me photos.

Y/n: Why?

Kei: Hmm, I wonder why I want you stop sending me nudes while I'm around other people.

Y/n: They aren't nudes, I would never ever do that.

Kei: Borderline nudes, someone is going to see.

Y/n: Okay, I promise I won't send you anything like that ever again.

Kei: I never said never. Just not now. And why are we bringing Tendo?

Y/n: Because.

"Oh, how I love when Y/n makes me impose on her time," Tendo says following us to the car. "Really makes things interesting."

"It's not interesting, she's annoying," Kei mutters.

"I am not," I say. "Kei's annoying."

"Anyway, I'd just like to apologize," Tendo says putting on his seat belt. "But I guess you could say you don't owe me anything anymore."

"Why?" I ask. "What did you do?"

"I just told Kasumi that you'd feel a whole lot better if you stuck to her like glue," he smiles. "No personal space."

"I hate you, Tendo," Kei says. "This is your fault."

"How is my fault you don't get to get laid in this car?" he asks. "Were you guys really going to do it in the car?"

"No, we were not," Kei says.

Yeah, but you wanted to, nasty ass.

"And why would you do that, Tendo?" I ask. "I mean I love Kasumi but she won't stop harassing me now."

"Just some fun," he shugs. "Nothing more than that, and don't forget, you're the one who decided to bring me alone to go and get snacks."

"Only because he's gonna tie my skates if I didn't," I say pointing at Kei. "Look at his guilty face."

"What? I didn't do anything, be quiet," he says.

"Kei's just mad because he's a virgin," I say. "Don't mind him."

"You're a virgin," Kei scoffs. "And you can't drive."

"I'll have you know that I have my licence," I say. "I can drive, and I am not a virgin."

"You are," he says.

"You both still act like teenagers," Tendo laughs. "Feels like it was almost yesterday when I was converting for you two after your date went from pg to ma."

Oh god, the carnival.

"Tendo, you're a virgin," I say.

"Go ahead and tell yourself that all you want," he laughs.

I have so much homework to do, I'm gonna kms.


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