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Y/n's pov

The planning for the wedding is perfect, and I cannot wait to be married, but right now, I am on some detective shit.

"What's wrong with you?" Kei asks.

Yeah, he's like an old man, reading a book in bed before he goes to sleep.

"Nothing," I say rolling over to look at him. "Why do you ask?"

"You aren't sleeping," he says. "Need something?"

He's so nice to me, I love him. Almost makes me want to do the cleaning, but I am not delusional. Plus, last time I was cleaning I almost mixed bleach with vinegar... I think that stress shaved three decades off of Kei's life.

"How did you know I was awake?" I ask.

"Because you weren't kicking me, and almost falling off the bed," he scoffs. "Clearly there's something off if I'm actually enjoying my time."

"I know that you enjoy it when I kick you," I say. "Let's you know that I'm not dead."

"Whatever, aren't you going to the office tomorrow?" he asks. "With Kasumi?"

"That I am," I say. "I'm gonna let her pretend to be the boss, and she wants a girl boss pantsuit like mine. Who knows, maybe I'll even let her fire someone."

"So go to sleep," he says. "I know that you're tired, stop forcing yourself to stay awake."

Look, I've got a valid reason. I have a sneaking suspicion that when I'm sleeping Kei kisses all over my face, like all over, at least thirty kisses. So, my plan is to wait for him to fall asleep, put lipstick on him, then when I wake up in the morning, I will see the evidence.

You see, I need to embarrass him because he embarrasses me all the time, it's payback time."

"I'm not forcing myself to stay awake," I insist.

"Just come here," he sighs pulling me partially on him before directing his attention back to the book. "This book is terrible, you'll like it."

"Wow, storytime with Kei," I say. "Finally I get to spend time with you, instead of being neglected."

Oops, he thinks I was serious. He always makes that half frown face when he thinks I'm mad at him.

"I'm kidding," I laugh. "Don't make your sad face, makes you look constipated."

"God, you're disgusting," he says getting out of bed.

"Hey, I'm sorry," I say sitting up. "It's not my fault you look like you need some laxatives. Stop being a whore and come back to bed."

"I'm going to get some water," he says. "I'll be right back, just go to sleep."

"I know exactly where you disappear off to every night," I sigh. "I know you roast marshmallows on the stove, and I'm tired of you not bringing me one."

"Just come on," he says.

And if you are wondering, he did end up falling asleep before me, you wanna know a little secret? If you get Kei some green tea and play with his hair, he's out like a light. And so my lipstick test began.



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