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Y/n's pov

December 24th, oporation be fancy at the fancy party is a go, also, my mother is here and has yet to see Kasumi.

"Were these your old clothes when you were tiny?" Kasumi ask openning a closet door, in the room we're staying in.

"Kasumi, you kinda need to hurry up and pick out a dress soon," I say. "Guests are alredy here, and my mom is going to beat me if i'm gone for too long. And I know it may come as a surprise to you, but I actually value living."

"Fine," she sighed grabbing somthing poufy. "I like this one."

"Okay," I say helping her get dressed. "I like this one too."

"I want to wear heels like the ones you have," she says. "The bed bottoms."

"When you're older i'll buy you some," I say. "Now come on, we've got to go downstairs."

"Are there lots of people?" she asks as I pick her up.

"Yes, but you'll be fine," I say. "Theres food, and you can go and play with all the other kids."

"Okay okay," she says.


There are lots of people here, and lots who came up to talk to me, much to my dismay. But it's fine, because the most of the people who came to talk to me wanted to suck up, or thank me for whatever it is I do aorund here.

"Where is that kid from?" my mothers, my abosulute faviorite person. "Did you have a kid without telling me? Who's kid is she?"

"I'm just taking care of her?" I shrug, still holding her. "Don't worry about anything, I didn't go off having a kid."

"When are you oging to gen married?" she asks. "I've heard rumours of you getting engaged, whats that about?"

I swear this lady knows everything, and I don't even know where she hears it from.

"I'm not engaged," I say.

"But she wants to me," Kasumi chimes in. "Hi, i'm Kasumi nice to meet you."

"Um, nice to meet you too," my mom nods her head. "And Y/n, you want to get engaged?"

"Mom, i'm not daiting anyone, I can't gen engaged," I say. "It's just a rumour."

"I can have that aranged," she says. "You want to get married, I can have that done in a week."

"She wants to be engaged," Kasumi says. "She told me, she wants to get married and have lots of kids."

Wow, thanks Kasumi.

"Okay, okay," she says taking Kasumi to set her down on the ground. "Kasumi, you go off anf find something to play with, Y/n, you come with me. There are plently of guys your age here you can talk to, hurry."

And so began the worst two hours of my life, talking to stupid guys about how much money they make and whatever else. It was actually painful, but at least the food here was great. I was hoping there would be some more people that I knew, but apparently there isn't so I wanna curl into a ball and die.

That doesn't matter right now, because we've got better things to do, like find Kasumi.

"Excuse me, have you seen a little girl with blonde hair?" I ask tapping somone on their shoulder.

"Ah, Ms. Ushijima, it's a pleasure to see you," he says shaking my hand.

He blabbere about some work related stuff before he went backf to talking to some other poor soul.

"Sorry, but have you seen a little girl?" I ask another person, to which I only get sucked into another conversation.

At this point, I was getting kind of anxious, because I dind't want her getting kidnapped by some creepy old man. Plus, I... Actually, I don't need to have a reason to want to find her.

"Excuse me, have you seen my Kasumi- Nevermind," I rolled my eyes once I reliazed who I was trying to talk to.

"Just the lady I was looking for," Atsumu says taking my hand. "Let's dance."

Okay Brielle, you can make it more steamy then making out.


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