Guys, half the things I say are false or not set in stone

628 42 17

Y/n's pov

I'm still so confused and curious about the conversation, but I had to go to sleep. And if my mom says that there's no way I could find out any information, then I know I won't. Now it's a reasonable time, and Kasumi and Dai decided to wake us up.

And yes, they're both in their costumes.

"Okay, so Dai is not going to wear his beard unless we take photos," Kasumi says. "Because I want to look at his face."

"And it's itchy," he says.

"Why are you two wearing your costumes now?" I ask.

"Because Halloween," she says. "It's the whole day, once a year, we must celebrate."

"But the party isn't until later tonight," I say. "You want to go out all day like that?"

"Yes," she says. "We do, right Dai? We want to be like this the whole day?"

"Yeah," he says. "But one day we aren't going to be able to dress up like this the whole day and not get weird looks."

"Look at my mom, she dresses weird every day and she doesn't get any weird looks," she says.

"I actually don't dress weird," I say. "My clothes are fashionable, don't diss me."

"You're only fashion abled because dad monitors you," she says. "Because if you look too weird I'll get embarrassed and he's dad, my dad. And since he's my dad he'll let us eat candy for breakfast, yes."

No Kei, you said that they can't eat candy for breakfast, don't let her win.

"Yeah, you guys can have candy for breakfast," he smiles. "Because I'm your dad."

"Yay!" she cheers running out of the room, Dai trailing behind her.

"Kei, I thought you were supposed to be the voice of reason," I say turning to look at him. "What happened to that?"

"Not my fault, she called me dad," he says. "I forgot everything for a second, now I feel stupid. I can't believe I just told them that they could eat candy for breakfast."

"The same thing happens when I call you you my love, my boyfriend or handsome," I shake my head. "You get possessed and lose any sense of who you are."

"Sorry what, I didn't catch that last part," he says, smiling again.

Words are powerful, and I can only use them sometimes or else they'll lose their power.

"You just proved my point," I laugh. "You are a very simple guy."

"Oh shut up," he says. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"You are just so happy," I say getting out of bed. "I know what I'm talking about."

"You never know what you're talking about," he says. "But give me some to wake up then I won't be happy."

"No, you'll be happy you'll just have the energy to be grumpy," I say. "It's all a part of your brand."

"Whatever," he says. "Come here."

"No, your gonna chop my head off or something," I say. "I must save myself."

"I'm not gonna chop your head off," he scoffs. "That'd be a bitch to clean."

"Is it because I'm adopted?" I ask. "Wooow."

"Just come here," he says.

"Aw, does Kei want a kiss?" I ask. "Even though I have crusty morning breath, what a man."

"Ew, as if I'd want a kiss from you," he says. "But you'll cry if I don't give you one."

"Lies, I've never cried because you didn't kiss me," I shake my head.

"Uh yeah, just last week you cried because I didn't kiss you in the morning," he says. "Even though I did, but I didn't realize that you were sleeping."

"Kei just admitted to having a foot fetish!" I call out. "I'm not joking!"

"Oh now you've done it," he says getting off the bed, with a pillow in hand.

"Now I'm sorry," I say running out of the room. "I'm sorry!"

"You are not sorry," he says following me out.

"Someone help me!" I yell.

Ha ha, so funny.


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