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Y/n's pov

"Happy birthday Christopher," I smile looking up towards the sunrise. "I hope it's great today."

"I'm still surprised that you're up this early," he says. "Early Bird much."

"I wanted to be up early so we could spend the day together, it's been so busy lately," I say. "So I cleared out almost everything so we can just lounge around, I mean it is your twenty-second birthday after all."

"It's really not that special," he says. "You weren't even this invested when you graduated."

"Yeah, well that was pretty lacklustre," I shrug, leaning over to watch a crack head stumble around from the safety of the balcony. "Any friends I made during Highschool moved away, so I'd rather not make it a huge deal."

(In case no one has made the connection, there's been a two-year time skip)

"Remember when I cut my hair?" he asks. "I thought you were going to die."

"Yeah but it's fine," I brush a lockout of his face. "Nick said that he shaved it, not and undercut I had reason to freak out. I actually really like it."

"Your hair looks nice too," he grabs a strand. "It's gotten pretty long, your hair grows fast it's pretty."

"It's your mom," I smile. "She gave me some hair supplies a few years ago when she came to visit, that's why it's so long."

"Sounds like something she'd do," he laughs. "Maybe that's why she never cut my hair, she secretly wanted a daughter."

"Nah, your mom totally likes having a son, I mean you're all into sports and stuff," I say. "She loves you."

"Yeah but I still think she'd like a daughter," he says.

"Maybe," I shrug. "We'll kidnap a girl for her... What's wrong?"

He looked distraught.

"Oh it's nothing, I was just thinking," he laughs it off. "Nothing to worry yourself over."

"You worry about me, so I can worry about you," I say. "No ifs or buts."

"If you say so Bird," he says. "Do you want to skip the gym today?"

"Oh thank fuck, I thought you'd never ask," I sigh. "I'm so tired."

"Then go back to sleep," he smiles. "You don't need to be up yet."

"Not gonna happen," I say. "I took a day off from school, I'm not gonna waste it. We never have any time to relax, not even the past summers."

"You're the one who wanted to fly out to Korea to see your mom and get to know the company, try not to work yourself too much," he says. "It's not good for you, take a break from the gym, you don't need to come with me all the time."

"Um not gonna happen," I say. "You're so fucking buff, and I can't compete."

"You're perfect," he smiles. "I mean you look perfect, well fine, your body is nice. No, I meant that you look just fine so you don't need to worry about it. You should sleep in more."

"Okay maybe," I say. "But going with you has made me taller."

"That's not how it works, you grew because you weren't done growing in the first place," he says.

"I can dream," I say.

"Anyway, you're graduating in a few months, do you want to make any plans?" he asks.

"I don't know," I shrug.

"Well I got you an early graduation present," he says pulling out an envelope. "But I promise, I'll give you another one when you graduate officially."

"I already know what this is," I say. "Well, I think I do."

"You mentioned that you wanted to see if you could work things out with your brother," he says. "It's been more than two years since you've spoken to him or even been to Japan, and if it blows this time then it'll just be us. But if it goes well then you'll have your brother back for your last graduation."

"Yeah, I guess," I say. "I guess we can go back to Japan, but I swear if he's an ass I won't hesitate to beat them up."

"That's my Bird," he smiles. "Kick some volleyball dude ass."

"So when are we going?" I ask.

"Tomorrow, I meant to tell you sooner," he says. "But you were caught up with midterms, it's nice to take a break."

"No, I know what my mom feels like when trips are spring on her," I laugh letting my head fall to his shoulder. "But I suppose if it's with you I can't really complain."

I have a fight in mind. A problem. A kiss. A wedding. A child. all in my head, trying to figure out where I can fit it all.


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