Convos with Brielle reveal plus chap

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Y/n's pov

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Y/n's pov

"We're taking Kasumi with us," I say buckling her into the car seat in the back. "I got permission."

By now Christopher knows she lives in a children's home, I mean there are only so many times I can have him drop us off a ways away from the home without him suspecting anything. Though he doesn't really know every tiny detail about her parents, and how I'm looped into this.

"Really?" He asks. "What's your mom going to think? She's going to wonder why you have a kid all of a sudden."

"We tell no one where she's from, just that she's here to visit," I say. "Don't worry, my mom won't care. This is technically my party I'm throwing at the Ushijima residents, so everything will go smoothly."

"I am also a Ushijima," Kasumi says raising her hand. "It's my mansion now."

"Stick with your first name, okay?" I ask getting into the passenger seat.

"Yeah yeah," she nods her head. "But I can call you mom... If you want, you don't have to let me, it's just pretending."

"Um... I think that might start things," I say. "Talk and stuff."

"Then can I call you Bird?" she asks.

"If you want," I say.

"No it's fine, I'll just call you Y/n," she says. "Do I get a new dress for this party?"

"Of course you do," I say. "Christopher will get matching dresses with you."

"Can I call Christopher my uncle?" she asks.

"It's up to him," I say.

"You can call me anything," he smiles. "I don't mind."

"Can I call you shithead?" she asks opening up her juice box. "You said anything."

"If you want to," he laughs.

"Okay big guy, saying bad words is no fun when you get permission," she says. "I'll call you Chrissy."

"Anything but that," he groans. "Please Kasumi, I thought we were friends."

"I don't need friends, Y/n has no friends and she's fine," she says.

"I have friends," I shake my head. "And Christopher is your friend, friends are good to have. I'm your friend too."

"So you'd do anything for me?" she asks smiling.

Kasumi, I'm not playing.

"Within reason," I say. "I'm not doing anything completely stupid."

"Can you marry Soji and have a baby?" she asks. "Please?"

"Marry Soji?" Christopher asks. "You're going to marry Soji, since when? Why doesn't anyone fill me in on things?"

"Soji?" I ask. "You know him?"

"Oh no... I don't," he pauses. "Just you mentioned he was your neighbour and I didn't know you were gonna marry him."

"Well, I'm not," I laugh. "She just likes to say things like that, I let her download episode onto my phone. She plays a lot, don't mind her."

"Yeah, I play episode, therefore I am a certified relationship advice giver person," she says. "Both of you need to get laid."

"What the hell did you just say?!" I question turning my head around to look at her.

"You have eye bags and he's like slow-moving," she shrugs. "Go lay in bed, sleep, you don't like sleep?"

"I can't tell if you're covering up or if you actually didn't understand," I say.

"Understand what?" she asks.

"Oh nothing," I say turning back straight forward. "You should take a nap, we've gotta stay in the car for a few hours until we're in Tokyo."

"Alright," she sighs dramatically. "I'll sleep, but you better wake me up anytime you stop for food. And it better be good."

"Bird, you should sleep too," Christopher says. "I'll wake you up for some food."

"Yeah, okay," I say. "I feel like I'm about to pass out."

"You look it too," he laughs.

"Wow, how kind of you," I laugh with him, leaning my seat back so I can get more comfortable.

It's two am, I'm going to sleep now. Prolly extra extra spelling and grammar mistakes this time around.


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