Go and buy the Bts meal rn

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Y/n's pov

"I don't want to go inside," Kasumi says hiding behind my leg. "That's a big house, there are going to be monsters."

"No there won't, that's why I sent Christopher ahead so he can clear them out," I say.

"Y/n, who's that?" I forgot Wakatoshi was coming here.

"Y/n," she squeaked, grasping onto my leg tighter. "I want to go."

"You don't need to be scared of Wakatoshi," I say picking her up. "He doesn't bite."

"Why would I bite?" he asks.

"Who's the kid?" Tendo asked, popping his head over Wakatoshi's shoulder. "You have a kid with your ex-boyfriend or something?"

"No, she's not my kid, I'm just looking after her," I say. "And don't crowd too close, it freaks her out."

"Y/n, who are they?" she asks, whispering.

"Redhead is Tendo, the other one is Wakatohshi, my brothers," I say. "Don't worry about them, they're good."

"Where is the kid from?" Wakatoshi asks.

"Her name is Kasumi, and I'm just looking after her, it doesn't matter," I say. "She's staying for the party tomorrow, then I'm bringing her back to my place. I'm taking care of her, so you don't need to worry."

"Are you sure she is not yours and Tsukishima's kid?" Wakatoshi asks, leaning over to get a better look at her face. "Looks like you sith lighter skin and Tsukishima, how old is she?"

"She's three," I say. "And not my kid."

"Are you sure?" he asks again.

"Wakatoshi, for her to be my kid I would've had to have gotten pregnant when I was still fifteen and in May, the same month I met Tsukishima," I say. "She's not mine."

"I don't know, maybe you slept with him in May," he says. "It's possible."

"I didn't, I've never been pregnant and I'm never going to be," I say. "Back up, you're making her nervous."

"Yeah overgrown totem poll," she says. "You're making me nervous."

"Aw, she really is like a little Y/n," Tendo says. "She's pretty tall though, for a three-year-old."

"Yeah yeah," I say. "Don't bug her too much."

"I want to hold the kid," Wakatoshi says.

"No, she's mine," I say. "I'm holding her, hold her later. Actually, you aren't allowed to hold her."

"Why not?" he asks. "I know how to hold kids."

"He's going to kidnap me," she says. "Don't let me go."

"I will give her fifty dollars," he says.

"And I'll give you chocolate," Tendo adds on.

"Make it one hundred and you've got a deal," she says.

"Okay," he nods his head.

"Kasumi, you really are something," I say handing her to Wakatoshi. "And do not drop her."

"I won't," he says. "Don't look so worried."

"I am not worried," I say. "I just don't want her to get hurt."

"Acting like a mom already," Tendo says. "You should get married and have a kid."

"No," I say. "Not now, maybe... Actually no I'm not getting married," I say. "I don't need to get married."

"She's going to get married to Soji," Kasumi says. "She is, I want her too."

"I am not," I say.

"Who's Soji?" Wakatoshi asks. "Your boyfriend?"

"He is my neighbour," I say. "Right next door, and I am not getting married."

"Your neighbour next door is named Soji?" he questions. "Like right next door?"

"Yeah," I nod my head. "Is there something wrong with that?"

"No, nothing," he shakes his head. "Kasumi, Tendo and I are going inside now, we are going to eat sweets. Nothing suspicious about me or what I know."

"Okay..." I nod my head. "I guess I'll join you, and Christopher."

"Why did you bring him with you?" he asks.

"Because he's my friend, and I bring him everywhere," I say.

"Are you going to date him?" he asks.

"No, she's friend-zoned him multiple times," Kasumi whispers. "Well, I assume that she has."

"Oh my god guys, shut up," I say. "I am perfectly happy being single."

I am not, and maybe that's why I tend to do stupid things.

My laptop isn't working properly so there are probably more spelling mistakes than usual.


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