Pov Dai has cancer

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Y/n's pov

Now, why did no one tell me that the Ushijima Estate was going to be packed full of athletes among others?

"Surprise mom, I threw you a birthday party," Kasumi says. "Since tomorrow is Halloween, you can catch up with your buddies."

"Kasumi says that her and I have plans," Dai says.

"Who's that one?" Bokuto asks. "Y'all get another kid?"

"Uh ew," Kasumi says. "This is Dai, he's my best friend, not my brother."

"Hi I'm Dai," he says. "It's nice to meet you all."

"All of you back away, Dai doesn't like lots of people," Kasumi says standing in front of him. "And all of you are loud large people, he needs to get to know you all so you don't scare him off. big guy, you're good."

Ah, big guy Christopher.

"But the rest of you better stay away," Kasumi says grabbing his arm. "Anyway, Dai these are my uncles, Tetsu, Kou, Omi, and Atsumu."

"Hi Tsukishima, how've you been?" Atsumu asks. "Good?"

Yeah, Kei doesn't like him, but I didn't like him at first either, it's fine.

"Aw look, Tsuki has something to say but there are children around," Kuroo says. "What a shame."

"Oh calm down," Kei says.

"Okay, we're leaving now," Sakusa says. "I'm hanging out with my niece and her friend now, come on children."

What? Sakusa the babysitter?

"I thought that you didn't like children?" I ask.

"Sticky," he says. "I don't like sticky children, which is why I am separating myself from my so-called teammates."

"Hey," Bokuto says. "I am not a child."

"You smell like play-doh," Sakusa says. "You and Atsumu both."

"Okay guys, Dai and I need to go use our knife shoes," Kasumi sighs. "Come on Dai."

"It was nice to meet you all," Dai says.

So polite.

"Byt guys," I say. "Have fun."

"I'm going to," Kei says.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"He's afraid of people who are bigger than him," Christopher laughs.

"Aw, poor Tsuki," Bokuto says. "You scared?"

"I think he is," Kuroo says.

"Oh shut up Kuroo, Tsukishima could take you on in a fight now," Kenma says.

Should've known that he'd be here, this is a very important business opportunity... I should make video games.

"He can't," Kuroo says.

"Tsukishima, me and the children are leaving now," Sakusa says. "Goodbye."

"I'm going to," Kenma says. "I need more kids with my products, hey kid, you like video games?"

Dear god.

"Yeah, I'm going with them too," Akaashi says.

Bruh, where did he come from?

"It's a field trip," Kasumi says. "Bye, everyone."

"See you guys later," I say. "Have fun."

"Bye Y/n," Kei says. "I'll see you."

"Well four eyes, what are you waiting for?" Atsumu asks. "A goodbye kiss? Don't worry, I'll give her one on your behalf."

"Shut up, I can kiss my girlfriend on my own," he says quickly doing so.

"I can fill in for you while you're gone," he smiles. "I'll take care of her, scouts honour."

"Oh Atsumu," Kasumi shakes her head. "You're gonna end up with a black eye."

"From who?" he asks.

"Christopher," Kei says. "I'll see you guys later, and Atsumu, try to keep your eyes to yourself."

"Oh relax, I'm just messing with you," Atsumu laughs. "Don't worry, it's all jokes."

"Mhm," Kei nods his head.

"Kei, I can see you mouthing words to Christopher," I say. "Stop plotting."

"We're not doing anything, Bird," Christopher laughs. "Don't worry."

These two man.

Funny how we know nothing about Margold and Azalea's past...


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