Ur dad

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Y/n's pov

"No fucking way," I say opening my eyes. "You didn't."

This guy really bought too much shit, toys for Kasumi and even a small star charm for her bracelet.

"Why the hell wouldn't you tell me that you had my cat this whole time?" I question. "Are you on drugs?"

"Well what was I supposed to say?" he asks setting the cat on the floor. "Hi I'm your neighbour and I have the cat that you had from high school. Oh don't mind me, here's your stupid cat shit-ling."


"Shit-ling, I missed you," I say picking her up. "I can't believe you had to stay with Kei, imagine how many girls he brought in and let pet you, terrible."

"Wow somebody really wants a kiss don't they?" Kasumi asks.

"I just gave her her cat back," he says. "And you're like three, you don't know if I want a kiss."

"Lisen here buddy, I've been you're friend while you talked to her with notes like a loser," she says. "And then you made her cry, you're desperate. She's not going to kiss you just because, you need to work for it."

"You are making my life really hard," he mutters. "I like you and all, but I need you to be on my side now."

"If I don't like you that means you don't get to be with my mom, that's right, she's my mom," she says. "My mother and I am her daughter, you heard me."

"Guys, I make my own decisions, just because Kasumi wants something doesn't mean I'm going to do it," I say.

"Okay, Kei, you can kiss her now," she says. "You have my permission to kiss her."

"I can? Y/n, can I?" he asks.

"No, Kasumi, you can't tell him he can do things," I shake my head. "Shit-ling, we're living in an apartment with crazies."

"And what about it?" Kasumi asks opening up another toy.

"I'm going to go and shower, I don't need to look homeless when I see Akina later," I say setting my cat down so she can explore.

"So mister, you gonna go shower with her?" Kasumi asks. "I can watch cartoons now since this is my apartment because she is my mom."

"I wish," he says. "But we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend, so there's nothing I can do. I can't even hold her hand."

These two, I swear to god.

"Jesus guys, can't I catch a break?" I question. "I still need to talk to Kei before we have any kind of relationship."

"Yeah, Kei, stop trying to pressure my mom into kissing you," Kasumi shakes her head. "She doesn't want to kiss you, get that through your head. Let the women shower."

"Oh my god," I shake my head. "She switches up fast."

"Wait, mom, I need a bath," she says trailing behind me. "Let me shower with you."

"Ah, no," I say.

I don't care if she's a kid, she's not seeing me naked.

"Kei has a huge walk-in shower at his place, we can wear bathing suits and all shower together," she says. "It's like the size of a small bedroom, and the top is like it's raining."

"Why do you know what his shower looks like?" I ask.

"Because I explored his apartment one time," she says. "So let's go and put bathing suits on and shower together."

"No, that's weird," I say. "Were not all showering together."

"Why not?" Kei asks. "There's nothing wrong with that."

"Please Y/n, can we all shower together?" she asks.

"No, and that's finale," I say. "We're not showering together."

The story has gone to shit.


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