Evil grandma and Hoshiko

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But we already know that my Hoshiko in my head is so much better
Y/n's pov

"Okay I'm back," I say taking my seat at the table.

"How was your really really important volleyball gym stuff conversation?" Wakatoshi asks.

"It was superb," I say. "It went well, but I guess I can expect the calls to be rolling in now that I've graduated."

"Yes, you can," my mom says. "But I'm glad to see you taking things seriously."

"Right on ya, Bird," Christopher laughs nudging my arm.

"Uh-huh," I nod my head reaching for my glass. "Now I'm starved."

"English please," someone in the restaurant says.

Y'know, I wish I could tell you that this was all the asshole-ness I'd face in my life, even after I move back to Japan, but I'd be lying.

"Speak when you have a seven-figure salary," my mom says angrily standing up from her chair. "I can buy you and your lovely escort friend."

Oh, I love my mom.

"In fact, I'll pay you triple to sit with us and leave that buffoon," she said before shoving herself back in her seat. I believe that if William hadn't had a hold on her arm she would've thrown hands. "God, I hate this country."

I can't wait to get angry at pigs in restaurants have nobody question my authority.


It's the day of the movie, and I've never been so pumped in my life. Even though I've been here in the states for a bit over a year, I haven't really unpacked any of my stuff. So I'm taking that as a 'W' in my book, so go me.

"You're packing that bag awfully angrily," Christopher says. "You good over there?"

"Yup," I say shoving everything I need on the plane in a tiny bag. "I'm all good, no need to worry my good friend."

"Get a bigger bag," he laughs. "The boxes are labelled, I can get you one."

"Yeah, but I forgot which one has my bags," I say. "I know the box that says 'Jesus' has some sandals in it, and the box that says 'mega depression' has mega depression, the contents of that box have not been seen in three years."

"Well... that's just lovely," he says. "So good luck making your tiny bag work."

"And done," I say forcing the zipper closed.

"For waking up at the crack of dawn you sure do have a lot of energy," he says.

"Of course I do," I say. "I miss Japan so much, I can't wait. And thanks again for making all the arrangements so quickly, it means a lot. Even though we don't get to live in the same apartment building, it's all good."

"Yeah, no problem," he says.

I have something planned for Kasumi since I've left her stranded with that lady and the underdeveloped pedestrians. Not to mention that she'd been nagging because I haven't gotten her a birthday present, for the three years that she's been alive. This kid man.

"Out of curiosity, where would a three-year-old who acts like a ten-year-old like to go?" I ask.

"I don't know, the park," Christopher says. "Why?"

"Asking for Azalea, she babysitting a kid to see if she want one," I say. "So I'm just taking notes like the good friend I am."

"Sounds good," he laughs. "And sounds like a rowdy child."

"Yeah, she really is," I say. "Well, I can only assume."

I'm dropping photos here now.

In my mind Marigold looks like Yasuko Takasu from Toradora.

In my mind Marigold looks like Yasuko Takasu from Toradora

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Nora, Chritopher mom, kinda looks like Sachiko Fujinuma from Erased, but longer hair

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Nora, Chritopher mom, kinda looks like Sachiko Fujinuma from Erased, but longer hair.

Nora, Chritopher mom, kinda looks like Sachiko Fujinuma from Erased, but longer hair

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And this is your daily reminder to follow me on Instagram, crouton333

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And this is your daily reminder to follow me on Instagram, crouton333.


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