Pov Sex

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Y/n's pov

"I don't care what anyone says, I'm getting this dress and yeah, it's perfect," I say. "There are no faults, it's the best, I'm getting it. It fits me perfectly, it's everything I could ever ask for. What do you guys think."

"Wakatoshi and Hyun are crying in the back room," my mom says. "You look lovely."

"When did Wakatoshi get here?" I ask. "I didn't know he was coming?"

"Yeah he got here a few minutes ago and now he's crying," Kasumi says. "What a big old wuss, maybe he needs a wheelchair with that old age."

"Kasumi, don't be mean," Dai says. "Tendo doesn't deserve to push him around."

"I am not the old man in this room," I hear Wakatoshi say.

"Hey, I'm not old either," Hyun says. "I'm perfectly fine."

"Hey, Gramps..." Kasumi says opening the door to the backroom. "Wait, I can him that right? I mean, Marigold just says to stick with Marigold..."

"Yeah, as long as he's fine with it," I say.

"I guess the taller you are the more you cry," Dai says.

Hyun started bawling again, man these men always crying.

"Not true," Kasumi says. "My mom is a cry baby and she's just average height. Maybe it's the darker coloured hair people."

"No, your dad always cries, that won't work," Dai says. "Your dad was at my place yesterday, and then your mom called and told him that she forgot to say that she loved him before he left for the day. Blah blah, he cried because he remembered that he was getting married or something."

I love him.

"Maybe only people not born in the United States don't act like cry babies," Kasumi says. "Your mom and Marigold are normalish."

"Didn't Christopher cry because they didn't have his favourite protein bars?" Dai asks.

"I was not crying," Christopher says.

"Yeah, and I didn't eat all the pop tarts last night," Kasumi shakes her head.

She woke Kei and I up at three in the morning standing all creepy-like, then she informed us that she had thrown up.

"Anyway, enough about the past," Kasumi sighs. "Dai, what do you think about this dress? Because I'm gonna wear it when we get married."

"It's nice," Dai says. "But don't worry, I'll ask you to marry me sooner than when your dad asked your mom. Your dad took way too long."

"I know right," Kasumi says. "I mean, come on, is that hard to get on a knee and give the lady a rock?"

"Don't worry, I'll ask you sooner than he did," Dai nods his head.

"Actually, I was watching Yuri on ice the other day," she says. "And you can't marry me until you win a gold medal, so yeah."

"I'll get one," he says.

"Uh... It has to be from the Olympics," she says. "Okay?"

"Okay," he nods his head. "I'll get one."

"And... I want a ring," she says. "Like my moms."

"I'll save all my allowance," he says.

"Okay, then it's settled," she says. "I'm basically a married woman."

"That's very sweet and all, but do you guys love this dress as much as I do?" I ask. "Because, I love it."

"I'll pay," Hyun says holding up his card. "I got settlement money, oh and I work with Marigold, I am the handyman."

"I'm paying," Wakatoshi says also holding up his card. "I can pay."

"What is this, I am paying," my mom says.

"I can pay for my own wedding stuff," I say.

"Oh, what kind of stuff?" Bunny asks. "I take it you won't be needing any ballons this time around."

"I heard Y/n doesn't like balloons all that much," Azalea says. "She's a freaky gal, a very freaky gal."

Oh my god.

"I just had flashbacks to when she was in high school," Wakatoshi says. "I know what they did."

"Oh, you're having flashbacks?" Akina asks. "Not only did I know what they were doing, but I also heard it."

"Can we not talk about this please?" I cover my face. "I'm gonna die, like for real."

"Since we're having a nice tell-all," Azalea says. "They did it in the club room, they had a spare every second period right before lunch."

"Uh that's a lie," I say. "It was last period because we had a spare and then I could take a power nap, that was you during the second period."

"Oh yeah," she laughs. "Oops."

"And, it wasn't in the club room, Wakatoshi would drive us back home at that time because we told him it was better to study there, then we'd do it..." I pause. "Um... And the thing we did, was play Jenga."

"Yeah, you guys sure do love Jenga," Azalea laughs.

"Not as much as Bunny loves Jenga," I say. "Everyone, stop looking at me."

"I wish I could rewind time," Wakatoshi says. "I brought her to too many appointments."

"I drove her sometimes," my mom says. "When I was in town."

"I drove her to," Akina says.

"And the parent of the year award goes to me," Hyun laughs. "I win, I get to buy the wedding dress."

"Fine, I'll buy the second wedding dress, the one she wears when it's time to eat since she won't be able to sit with all that fluff," my mom says.

"Then what am I supposed to pay for?" Wakatoshi asks.

"I mean, if you really wanna buy a dress," Kasumi smiles. "I don't have one yet."

"How much is it?" Wakatoshi asks.

"One hundred," she says. "Please, I'll take care of it. I'll wear it every day."

"I'll buy you ten," he says. "In each colour."

"Calm down dude," Dai says. "All I can afford to get her is a box of gushers, you can't step me up like that."

"Fine, I'll make the check out to dai so that he's the one buying it," he nods his head. "Azalea, what is Dai's banking information?"

"He's six," Azalea says. "You can't write him a check."

"Here's my info, just transfer it," Dai says handing him a card. "I've got auto-deposit."

Boy, what tha hell boy.

"Okay, I'm getting this dress," I say. "It already has so many good memories."

"I'm sure it's gonna have a lot more once you both are married," Bunny laughs. "Won't it?"

"Bunny, you had this coming," I sigh. "Bunny flew to the states just to use a gun, and not in a fun way."

"What do you mean?" she questions. "It was fun for me and Issei... And this other guy we hung out with."

"It was Luca," I say.

"Oh my god," Christopher says. "Now I know why he wanted that gun licence."

What a small world we live in. But lemme tell you, nothing about my world is small.

"So Y/n, how are you feeling now?" Wakatoshi asks.

"I'm happy, so so happy," I smile. "I mean, Kei really is just my whole world."

You see what I did there.

What is this? I have written a chapter over 1000 words and I didn't split it up into three separate chapters?


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