The word count on the chap is 666

926 68 45

Y/n's pov

When I opened the door of the office, Kasumi was slumped against the wall opposite. Obviously annoyed I had left her out of the room while I spoke to the women,

"I'm so sorry," I say picking Kasumi up off the floor. "So so sorry."

"It's not that bad," she said, clearly she was referring to me locking her out of the room. "So can I go home with you?"

"Kasumi... I can't take you back with me," I say. "You need to stay here."

Before you see me as an evil person, I did talk to that lady and asked if I could have. Well, that seems bad, but you understand where I'm coming from. I feel terrible that her mother's gone like I feel really bad. But she told me that there was no way I'd be able to manage a child, even when I did finally move back to Japan.

"Please don't go," she said hugging her arms around me tighter. "I don't want you to, I want you to stay here."

"Kasumi dear, Miss Ushijima is a very busy lady," the woman says. "She lives in California, and you've never met her before now."

"Yeah, Kasumi," I say. "I'm the last person that could possibly take care of a child, you need someone who can look after you. You need someone who can protect you."

"You're supposed to stay now," she says. "You have to stay with me, please Y/n, please, don't go back to California. You can stay here with me, I have a big girl bed, I'll sleep underneath so you can have room on top. Please."

"Kasumi, I have to go back to California," I say. "I have school."

"Then come back after," she said. "Play games with me, take me to the park, I want to go and watch the stars."

"The stars," I say. "You want to go and see the stars? You can see them here, without me."

"I can't, these too much mist and fog out here," she says. "You need to take me somewhere, please. Don't say goodbye."

I didn't know what I could say to her, what I should say to her, especially when she started to cry. I'm not the biggest fan of kids, but how could I be mean to her.

"I'm not saying goodbye," I say running my hands over her hair. "I'm saying see you later, I'll be back. I promise I'll come back in July, and I'll take you out to see the stars. We'll play games, go to the park, and adventures."

"Promise?" she asked pulling away slightly. "Promise that you aren't going forever?"

"I promise," I say setting her down on the ground. "Now you should get to bed, I promise that I'll come back and see you."

"This too," she says holding up her wrist, poting at the charm. "I want to use the knife shoes."

"I'll take you skating," I say. "But I have to go now Kasumi."

"Don't forget," she says shoving two crumpled-up photos in my hand, one being a picture of herself as a newborn in Ayumis's arms, and the other the photo Ayumi had taken of me and her back in the park.

"I won't," I say taking the photos, I was not about to cry in front of a child. "Not you should go and sleep, you look tired."

"I'm always tired," she says.

"See you later Kasumi," I smile.

Ayumi gave Kasumi Ushijima as a last name because she knew she was going to kill Haru, not because she thought Y/n was going to see her again. She didn't want Kasumi to have to carry the last name 'Ito' because it would be attached to a murderer (herself) she knew how harmful that could be for her daughter and wanted the best. Y/n gave her full name to Ayumi, which she wrote on the back of the photo, she wrote Ushijima on the birth certificate as it was what came to mind when she was thinking about meeting Y/n, and what she named her unborn child. It makes sense.


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