I'm going to the mall tomorrow, this the mall^

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West Edmonton mall is way overhyped. Just because there's a theme park, water park, aquarium, boat, and 800+ stores does not make it the best. Sorry for the small rant about al mall, my god what's wrong with me.
Y/n's pov

I swear my mom and Wakatoshi are trying to steal Kasumi away from me, like for real. They are keeping her for the night again, and the whole two weeks we've been in Korea Kasumi has only spent five nights in the hotel with Kei and I.

But I guess I can't complain, I like spending time with Kei alone.

"Why are you taking so long in here?" Kei asks, slumping against the bathroom wall.

"I'm cleaning my face," I say. "But I have to search up all these review videos since I can't read Korean, so I need to know what I'm putting on my face."

"There is English right there," he says taking the box and spelling up the side, relieving all the English writing.

I feel stupid.

"Uh, I can't read English," I say. "So that does me no good."

"Y/n, you went to school in the states," he says. "You're just a dumbass, and all of this is basically fancy water."

"You don't understand," I say taking the box by. "You don't wash your face."

"Y/n, until I started hanging out with you, you thought letting the soap drip from your hair onto your face was enough," he scoffs.

"Do not remind me of those dark times," I shiver. "We pretend that that's not real."

"Of course not," he says.

"Kei," I say. "Would you still date me if I shaved my head?"

"Obviously, but don't you'll regret it and I'll have to deal with you crying," he says. "And then you'd spend so long just trying to find a wig."

"Yeah probably," I laugh. "Speaking of wigs, I had a dream last night that you went to pull my hair and it came off like a wig, I was bald. It was terrible but you didn't even care, well you didn't mind that I was bald. But it was really weird because the whole time before when you were pulling my hair, nothing happened. Maybe my dream self didn't use enough wig glue."

"Why was I pulling your hair?" he asks.

"Um... You were being an asshole, just a tug," I say. "Don't worry about it, why are you looking so deep into this Kei. Stop harassing me about it."

"I just asked you a question," he smiles. "What was it about?"

"You were beating me up," I say. "I didn't want to tell you because then you'd think I was scared of you beating me up."

"I doubt it was that," he scoffs resting his head on my shoulder. "Tell me what your dream was about."

"I don't remember it, I forgot it," I say. "Don't look at me like that, I'll hut you."

"Come on, Babe, tell me," he says.

"Just because you use names like that, doesn't mean I'm going to listen to you," I say. "It's not fair either, you're evil and you know it."

"I am not evil," he says.

"You are," I say.

"I just love you, that's all," he says. "Anything evil about that?"

"Yes, yes it does," I say.

"What was the dream about?" he asks again.

Ayo, Brielle, pull up.


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