Ion even like writing anymore lol

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I think that's because writing is my job.

"Well, you should've tried that a long time ago," Tsukishima says.

"I sent money-," he starts.

"And you think that makes everything all right?" he questions. "You sent money so it's okay?"

"You never wanted to talk to me," he says.

"Because I don't even know you," Tsukishima was getting increasingly frustrated. "You're a stranger to me. You left me mom and Akiteru. Anytime where I could've possibly needed a father, you were never there."

"I know that, and I'm sorry," he sighs.

"I'm not stupid, and you're not sorry," he scoffs. "You're pathetic."

"Can you just hear me out?"

"You're bankrupt," Tsukishima shakes his head. "You really do think I'm stupid, don't you? You want fucking money, you think that you can come here, try to make amends and I'll give you some pity cash?"

"It's not like you don't have the money, I mean come on look at who you're marrying," he says. "You're gonna have more money than what you know what to do with once you tie the knot."

"You seriously think that I only want her for her money?" Tsukishima asks.

"Well, that's got to be part of it."

"I'm not giving you any money, and do not ask mom or Akiteru for anything, ever," he says. "Out of all the nights you could've chosen to bother you just had to pick tonight."

"Look, Kei, I'm sorry," he says. "I really am, and I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't really desperate."

"No, I'm not giving you anything," he says. "I owe you nothing."

"Can't you just see if your fina-."

"No, we're not giving you anything, so just leave," he shakes his head. "Don't talk to me, or my family."

"Come on Kei, one favour for you're old man, you're girl will understand," he pleads. "Were family. Were blood, you've got a kid, you should understand."

"Blood doesn't make family you asshole, and if you bothered enough to actually care about my life you'd know that that kid and that girl are everything to me. More than some low life whom I only share half of my DNA with," he says. "And you're insane if you think I'm going to bring you into my family when they've been through enough."

"Okay, son, just calm down," he says putting his hands up as if that'll make him more open. "I'll pay you back. It's for the kids-."

"You need to go back home, to your wife and kids," Tsukishima says. "It's not my job to fuel your gambling problems. If it was for the kids, then your wife could've called me."

"Yes the kids want to see you," he says. "Can't I bring them around your place sometime?"

Tsukishima had met his children once before, of course, it wasn't his father who had brought them around but still. He'd kept in touch with the children, considering they are his half-siblings but with his father, never.

"I will call your wife, she and the kids can come, that's it," he sighs. "You need to get your act together, do you want to slip up and fuck up your family again?"


"That's what I thought, so go home, give your wife the money I know you have and tell her that Y/n and I would be thrilled to have her and the kids at the wedding tomorrow, okay?" he asks.

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