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Y/n's pov

"Happy birthday twerp," Marigold says as we walk into the cafe. "I've got your cake."

"Ice cream?" she asks trying to get into the chair, but of course Kei has to help her.

"Yeah," she says. "It's in the back."

Did you guys know that ice cream cake isn't even on the menu? Only VIPs get it, like me.

"I love you, Marigold," Kasumi says. "Very much, the same level as my mom, dad and people like that."

"What are the other levels?" she asks.

"Secondary uncles and Bunny, Azalea and their boyfriends and Williams, that's the third level," she says. "On the fourth, those office ladies who give me cadies, fifth, that's where we put my dad sometimes when acts like a particular gardening tool that starts with the letter 'h'."

"Who's on the first level?" I ask.

"Dai, obviously," she says. "And gangsters."

"What?" I ask.

"Like the way of the house husband," she says. "Tatto, scars, the works. Preferably an ex-Yakuza member."

"Hey, don't you know some gangsters Marigold?" I ask. "This cafe is dodgy."

"I don't commit any crimes," Marigold says. "And I'll serve to paying customers."

"Marigold, tell us about your teenage life," I say. "Please."

"Yeah Marigold, I wanna know," Kasumi says.

I graduated high school two years early, I was born in the states, got married at twenty and opened the cafe when I was nineteen," she says. "There."

"You're married?" I question. "To who?"

"Wait, you're married?" Kei asks. "Since when?"

"Since I was twenty," she says. "Are you deaf?"

"Who's the lucky guy?" I ask.

"No one, ask about it again and I'll turn you all into handbags," she says.

"Awww," Kasumi pouts. "I wanted to know."

"Hey look, it's your little friend Dai," Marigold says.

"Dai!" Kasumi yells running over to the door. "I'm four now, just like you, we can be four together for a month."

Dai looks better, happy and healthy.

"Hey Tsuki," Yamaguchi says. "I brought Kasumi a present."

"Yeah, thanks," Kei says.

So they went off you have their little guy talk.

"Azalea, what's new?" I ask. "How's life treating you?"

"Are kids supposed to be this easy?" she asks. "Because I don't remember any kids being this easy."

"Ours are special," I say.

"I'm here," Bunny says walking into the cafe.

"Are you hungover?" I ask.

"Nope," she says.

Lovely, she got railed before coming to a children's birthday, but I can't blame her.

"Don't judge, this was Hanamaki's last day in Sendai before heading off," she says.

"Okay, that was a little too much info," Azalea says.

"I barely gave any info," she says. "But if you guys ant some, I got it all on video."

"Oh I've got a video too," Azalea says. "But I'd definitely have to ask Dashi before I showed you guys."

"Y'all out here making sex tapes?" I ask. "Damm."

"Hey don't act like every time you and Small tool Tsuki get it on in the living room and kitchen you don't accidentally make one," Bunny says. "Y'all got security cameras."

"Yeah, but we delete the footage," I say.

"Still a sex tape," Azalea says. "It's still a sex tape."

"Mom, mom, mom!" Kasumi yells running over to grab my leg. "There's a man upstairs, I'm sorry, I know we aren't supposed to go up there but there was a man and grandma Hoshiko."

"What?" I question. "What were they doing?"

"Having coffee," she says.

Thank god, if they were doing it I'd have to shoot myself.

"He's huge, tall like dad, and huger than Christopher," she says. "He had black hair, tattoos and scars. Mom, it's a gangster."

"Hyun get back upstairs right now," I hear marigold say.


"Who is Hyun?" I pause looking at him.

There's no way.

I wasn't gonna officially introduce Hyun to the story until after April, but I changed my mind last minute.


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