Get pranked

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Y/n's pov

"Hi Kei," I didn't even need to look up from my phone to know it was his barging into my office. "Did you bring lunch?"

"Why did you send me that video?" he asks, closing the door behind himself. "What if I didn't open it until I got to practice and the guys saw that."

"I know that you always check through any messages I send you," I say. "I knew you'd see."

"Don't send me things like that," he says running his hands through his hair.

"Why not?" I ask. "I thought you said I was pretty."

"Don't send me videos like that if you're just going to go before I have any chance to react," he says. "It's frustrating, you're frustrating."

"It's your fault," I say. "You started it, don't tease me all day then I won't tease you."

"I don't send you pictured of myself naked," he says. "I brush hair out of you're face and call you pretty, you... you are crazy."

"I am not," I say. "I'm sane, I can send you photos and videos if I want to. If it's that terrible, then don't open them."

"I never said it's terrible," he says looking down at me. "It's annoying."

"It's not annoying, it's just a birthday present," I smile. "Nothing wrong with that."

"That was not a Birthday present," he says. "Well it was, but don't do that again."

"Or what?" I ask. "What are you going to do?"

"You do this on purpose don't you?" he asks.

"Do what?" I smile. "I'm not doing anything."

"You aren't amusing."

Okay, next chapter.


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