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Y/n's pov

"I feel like shit," I groan lifting my head off the table, we got a fancy suit this time because... I don't know my mom booked it for us I wasn't paying attention. "Like shit shit."

"You shouldn't have gotten so drunk," he laughs sliding over a glass of water. "So drink up."

"I only had two drinks," I say.

"I only made you two drinks but I leave to grab you something from the vending machine for two seconds and you're already halfway through a bottle of wine," he laughs again. "Where you got it, I still don't know."

"I don't even know where I got it," I say gulping back some water. "I'm assuming my mother sent it, she probably forgot about your birthday and sent it over."

"Well I hope you enjoyed it," he says.

"Did I drink the whole thing?" I ask.

"No no, don't freak out Bird," he says. "You forced me to have a sip, all while talking in tongues."

"God that's so embarrassing," I groan. "Please forget that, like erase that from your memories."

"No can do, I got most of it on video," he says holding up his phone. "Thanks by the way."

"Delete anything of me right now," I say. "I don't want anyone seeing that."

"I think I'll hang onto it," he says. "I'll need a piece of embarrassment so I can remind you from time to time."

"No Christopher, delete them," I say before drinking some more water. "I don't want anyone to see me acting like such a fool."

"Don't worry, I won't show them to anyone," he laughs motioning over to my plate of food. "Now eat up, you're picking at your food again, just like a bird, Bird."

"I feel sick," I say. "I don't want to eat anything."

"Eating will make you feel better," he says. "Trust me, it'll help with your hangover."

"I think it'll help me puke my guts out," I say.

"No you did enough of that last night," he says. "You'll be fine, but you need to eat some food. And even if you do throw up again it's better if you've eaten something."

"Wait you're distracting me from the fact that you took videos of me while I was drunk," I say. "Doing God knows what, please Christopher. It's illegal to-."

"To underage drink and smoke he says, not to record a drunk adult," he says. "But for real, please eat something."

"I am not an adult... of fuck," I say grabbing a piece of toast. "I'm nineteen!"

"That you are, that you are," he laughs nodding his head. "Twenty in less than six months, CEO in five, you'll graduate in three. Also, you have that wedding to go to at the end of May, I've already started organizing it and we'll be back in time for your graduation. Oh, and speaking of your graduation your mother wants you to wear her dress that she graduated in, of course, I'll take it in for it to get altered so you'll like it better."

"This is why you're the best," I say. "Because I would not retain any of that shit for the life of me. And why does my mom want me to wear her dress?"

"Probably because it wouldn't fit your brother," he snickers.

"Yeah probably," I nod my head. "Christopher?"

"Yeah what's up?" He asks.

"I think I'm gonna pass out," I say.

I'm never drinking again.

"Come on Bird," he says walking over to me to scoop me up. "Sleep on your side, I'll stay in your room to make sure that you're alright."

"Thanks, Christopher," I mumble. "For making sure I don't die or whatever."

Christopher's path is gonna have to start relatively soon.


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