I accidentally told my therapist about something I shouldn't have

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Y/n's pov

The rest of our trip was awesome, but I'm glad we're home now. And don't even get me started on our newly renovated apartment because goddam, it looks good. It makes me feel rich, I mean I am rich but setting that aside it's beautiful. It's huge, Kasumi's got her nice room with everything she could possibly imagine. I've got my closet, god, I love my closet. Makes me wanna bust a move.

Kei likes the kitchen, and the pantry, he just likes the space I think. We've been back home for two whole weeks now, and he's making me want to commit a crime. I get that I was testing him not much in Korea, but he's not even doing anything now. Like nothing, at all, he's not annoyed or anything.

"Is there a reason your glaring at me?" he asks, setting down his cup of tea. "What did imaginary me say to you this time?"

"You are a hoe," I say. "A big hoe."

And don't worry, Kasumi is at her new friend's place, their news to the apartment. Though I'm pretty sure Kasumi forced the kid to be friends with her, just like me. I love her.

"I didn't even do anything," he says.

"That is my exact point," I say. "You avoid me like I have the plague."

Okay, that's a lie, he doesn't. He's really nice, and he even kisses me with morning breath. And he doesn't care if I lay on top of him, even though I crush him.

"I do not," he says. "What are you on about?"

"You know what I'm talking about," I say. "Hoe."

"I don't," he says. "I can't read your mind."

"Yes you can and even if you can't you know what I'm talking about," I say. "I'm sorry for always teasing you, I really am."

"One, you are far from sorry, and two, if you want something from me you can just ask," he says leaning back into his chair. "So, tell me exactly what you want."

"No," I say getting up. "You're a hoe, I need to talk to Bunny."

"Just ask, and we can go upstairs right now, Kasumi will be out for awhile," he says. "Just tell me what you want."

"You can suck my toe," I say.

"Not into the whole feet things," he says. "Didn't know you were though."

You see, he's a hoe.

"I do not have a foot fetish, do not have any kinks that involve feet," I say. "You have a thing for feet, kinky Kei."

"I don't have a thing for feet," he says. "And don't call me kinky Kei."

"I'm going to work now, stop trying to seduce me," I say. "It's not working."

"How am I trying to seduce you?" he questions.

"You made me breakfast," I say pointing at my now empty plate. "You make me food all the time."

"Well my bad for wanting to keep my girlfriend alive," he says.

"You are too nice to me," I say. "I don't like it."

"I know that you like it when I'm mean to you," he says. "But I feel like being nice."

"I have to go and do girl boss things," I say. "You'll never see me again."

"What do you want to eat later when I stop by at lunch?" he asks.

"Sushi," I say. "And don't forget to bring Kasumi with you."

"Well obviously," he rolls his eyes. "I'm not going to leave her."

"Love you," I smile. "See you later."

"Yeah, I love you too," he sighs. "You and all your moods."

Oh my, I have done no school work today.


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