It's almost 4 am here

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Y/n's pov

Spoiler alert, I did not ask him tomorrow, or that day after that or even the week after that. It's now April, I think I still have a stupid ring for him in my bag. But, on the bright side of things my father, Hyun has given me two tickets to the old theatre since they're playing some movies they haven't had in theatres for years. So I can forget my pussiness by watching a movie with my dearly beloved.

The same dearly beloved who wrote me a lovely note this morning, along with some cash, before he shooed me out the door.

I'll see you later, get your nails done so you stop complaining about them, it's making my head hurt. I love you.

And as a bonus, Kasumu gave me a note too.

My name is Ushijima Kasumi. I like to skate. I do not like to be quiet. I love my mom and dad. I love my cat s-word-ling.

Ah, Sugawara is really teaching her well, isn't he? Anyway, that brings us here, to the lovely nail salon with Bunny and Azalea.

"So, you think Dai and Kasumi are gonna date in the future?" Azalea asks.

"Oh hell yeah," Bunny says. "Better teach them sex education soon."

"They're only five and six," I say. "They will learn about the basic stuff, like periods, then all that other stuff later."

"Can't wait to see Tsukishima flip when he finds a condom in her bathroom in like ten years," Azalea laughs.

"Oh that'll be such a fun time," Bunny says.

"He's not gonna flip," I say. "Cry, maybe, but he can't get mad because he was doing the same thing."

"True," Azalea says. "But I bet Kasumi won't even care at that age."

"And they both love skating," Bunny says. "By that age they'll probably be heading off to train, I mean, it makes sense."

"My precious little Kasmi is gonna leave me," I say. "What am I gonna do when she'd gone? What is Kei gonna do?"

"Oh my God, Dai isn't gonna spend the rest of his life with me right there," Azalea says. "What am I gonna do? Oh my god, is this what being a mom is? Pain?"

"I'm starting to feel left out," Bunny says. "Y/n, get pregnant so we can be pregnant at the same time and have some cute kids, you too Azalea."

"It'll have to be after I'm married," I say. "But I need to get engaged first."

"Dashi will need a few months," Azalea says. "So when we thinking?"

"Let's all be pregnant this time next year," Bunny says. "So, make it so they're all born close together, okay?"

"Yeah, seems fine," I nod my head. "I'm not telling Kei though if I say anything about kids I'll be pregnant by tomorrow."

"Oh small tool Tsuki," she shakes her head. "Still such a horny bastard he is, he needs a leash."

Nah, he's not into that type of stuff.

"Anyway, so what are y'all doing after this?" Azalea asks.

"I'm going to the movies with Kei," I say.

"I'm gonna give some head," Bunny says. "Just kidding, I'm going to run some errands with Issei. What about you Azalea?"

"My turn to take Kasumi and Dai to practice after school," she says. "Than some errands and stuff. Y/n, you gonna run errands?"

"Nah, the only thing I run is top," I say. "And please ignore that."

"Can't ignore it now," Bunny says. "I know everything you do, and same with Azalea."

"You know nothing," I say.

"Yeah, you know nothing," Azalea says.

"Oh yeah, because I know that you got railed in the shower before coming here," she says. "Your hair is still damp."

"So, I clean myself," she says.

"And when we first met up I saw the faint outline of tile markings on your chest," Bunny says.

"Damm," I say. "Someone is observant."

"And you, you fuck in my bar every Thursday," Bunny says. "Oh yeah, I know."

"But I never did that," I say. "Honest I didn't."

"But you're car is parked at my bar every Thursday it's been a couple of weeks now," she says. "Then I hear that noise. I mean, anyone can fuck in my bar, so I don't really care."

"Bunny... My mom and William come here to Sendai from Tokyo every Thursday," I say. "They take the train and I let them use my car, I stay with Kei all day on Thursdays... My mother has been fucking William there all this time?"

"Okay well I wanna die," she says. "Let's forget that, and focus on the fact that ribbon you wear in your hair sometimes is the one you-."

"Okay, now I wanna die," I say.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, in the third year Takeda walked in on me and Yamaguchi in the club room after he became captain," Azalea says. "So yeah."

"That's nothing," Bunny says. "I was with Issei in the locker room for over an hour, then we find out that Kunimi locked Kindaichi in one of the lockers. He heard the whole thing, he knows it all. Even saw through the cracks in the locker."

"Goddam," I say. "I'm so happy that I'm me."

"Hey didn't Akina hear you and Kei in the shower?" Azalea asks.

"And I'm back to wanting to die of embarrassment," I groan.

Guess whats gonna happen soon so I can have something to wake up to.


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