Pov Y/n dies in an epic car crash

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Y/n's pov

"Today was so much fun," Kasumi says, throwing her happy meal on her bed before crawling up there.

"So tiring," I say, sitting beside her.

"No, no mom," she says, lightly kicking me. "You stay with mister, and I get this bed."

"We aren't going to sleep yet," I say, taking my food out of the bag. "So it's fine."

"Doesn't matter," she says. "Look, he is so sad because he has no girlfriend. Look how sad he is mom, do some charity work and sit beside him."

"It's not charity work," Kei says. "Come sit beside me anyway."

"Fine," I say, moving over to his bed. "I like charity work."

"I am not charity work," he mutters. "Both of you eat your food."

"I will," I say. "I am eating my food."

"Wow mom, are you gonna let him tell you what to do? And boss you around like that?" Kasumi questions. "Do you like getting bossed around?"

"Actually she does," Kei snickers.

"Shut up," I say punching his arm. "Shut up, shut up, don't say that kinda stuff."

"But it's true, isn't it?" he asks. "I know it is, so eat your food Y/n, I know you want to."

"Oh my god," I shake my head, grabbing a sauce packet.

"Are you sure you can take it?" he asks poking his head over my shoulder.

"K-key what?" I question.

"The heat, I mean," he laughs. "That is hot sauce, right?"

"Don't worry about her," Kasumi says. "She likes spicy with salty."

"Oh I know she likes salty," he says. "You don't need to tell me that, I think I'd even go as far to say that she loves it."

"Yeah, I don't why she likes spicy though," Kasumi says. "It will make her throat sore."

"She can huddle a sore throat like a champ," he laughs nudging my arm. "Isn't that right Y/n? Or maybe she can't handle spice, I mean her face is all red."

"You guys should just eat your own food," I say covering my face. "Kei, stop talking."

"I can talk all I want," he says. "It's not like my mouth is busy with something."

"Do you want a lick of my ice cream cone?" Kasumi asks. "You can have a lick."

"No, he does not want a lick of anything," I say.

"Yeah, I might give your mom a bleu headache," he laughs again.

"Just let me breathe for a second," I shake my head.

"Breath through your nose, you're good at that," he says.

"Kei," I say looking at him. "Stop it, and I won't get a blue headache, ever."

"Just straighten your back, you can breath better than," he says placing his hand on the small of my back. "Aw look, you're all wet now."

"What!?" I exclaim practically jumping off the bed. "I am not, Kei stop it."

"What?" he holds up his hands. "I just washed them so I got some water on your shirt, sorry."

"You are doing this on purpose," I say pointing at Kei.

"What's he doing?" Kasumi asks. "Is it because he got water on you? Don't worry mom, it will dry."

"And if it doesn't, I can help you out," he says. "Really, I wouldn't mind."

"I am taking a shower, you guys eat," I say.

"Really Y/n?" Kei asks. "In the shower?"

"Oh my god," I say sitting back on the bed. "I'm not taking a shower, just eat."

"Eat what?" Kei asks.

"You, you are on thin ice," I say. "I will slap you."

"I thought you liked it the other way around," he says.

"Let's play the quiet game," I say.

"But I hate the quiet game," Kasumi puts.

"Your mom hates the quiet game too, she never knows how to keep quiet," Kei says. "Even in the shower, she's pretty loud all the time."

"Does she sing in the shower?" Kasumi asks.

"No, she doesn't sing in the shower, but it's like music," he laughs.

"Just eat," I say shoving some food in his mouth. "Shh, and eat."

I am funny.


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