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Y/n's pov

Now, I've got a few questions here...

One, when did it become morning? Because I'm still tired as shit.

Two, why am I in a robe like I just took a shower?

And three, why is Kei eating a whole strawberry shortcake?

"Are you feeling okay?" Kei asks brushing some hair out of my face, it's dry for some reason.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Almost noon," he says.

"Did I shower?" I ask.

"You woke up at five o'clock in the morning then force me to take you to the shower, you sat on that seat thing we have built-in then I left you to do your thing. Two hours later you were still in there, so I went to check up and you were sleeping with conditioner in your hair," he says.

"What the hell," I say.

What in fucks name.

"Yeah, then I had to rinse out your hair but then when I was taking you out of the shower you woke up and sat on the floor to blow dry your hair after putting a robe on. But surprise surprise you fell asleep again so I had to do your hair for you. So I brought you downstairs while I made breakfast, you woke up ate complained that you were sore, took a painkiller then fell asleep again," he shakes his head. "Now we're back up here, oh yeah you also woke up like half an hour ago and sang happy birthday to me."

"How do I not remember that?" I ask.

"It's on video since there are cameras downstairs. Oh yeah, I forgot we had security cameras so I had to cut some things out from last night," he laughs.

"That's so embarrassing," I say. "What if a burglar broke n and the security people looked through there and saw that?"

"Guess they'd get a show," he shrugs.

"You're disgusting," I say. "And I want some cake."

"Here," he says holding out a spoonful, mostly cream with a large strawberry. "Saved you the strawberries on top so you don't cry."

"Stop pretending like you didn't save them for me out of love," I say quickly eating it.

"You look like... you look not good," he says.

"The fact that you couldn't think of an actual insult proves that you love me," I laugh.

"Well obviously," he scoffs.

"I've been meaning to ask you a very important set of questions," I say. "Very important, relationship defining even."

"I feel like you're being dramatic," he says. "But what are they?"

"Do you shave your armpits?" I ask moving, so I can sit on him more comfortably.

"Your bony ass is digging into my leg, and no I don't shave my armpits," he says.

"Then why don't you have hairy armpits?" I question.

"I've never grown hair on my armpits," he says. "You asked this years ago."

"Oh yeah," I nod my head. "What about your legs, you shave them?"

"Yeah," he says.

"Why?" I ask. "Why do you shave your legs?"

"Because you complain about shaving your legs so I told you not to, you said you have to so I just shaved mine," he says. "Also Kasumi was drawing on my leg the other day and when I wash off the marker it dyed my leg hair, I'm not going to walk around like that."

"Interesting," I nod my head. "Also it's actually a hate crime that you don't grow armpit hair."

"Shut up," he says.

"And your face," I say holding it with both of my hands. "You definitely shave, I can feel your stumble. But if you tried to grow a beard it'd be pretty pathetic, not gonna lie."

"I don't want a beard anyway," he says lightly pushing my head back. "Not get off me, I need to shave."

"No, I'm tired," I say. "I'm not moving."

"You shouldn't have woken up at five in the morning," he says. "Then maybe you wouldn't be tired."

"What do we have to do today?" I ask. "Drugs maybe?"

"Grocery shopping," he says reaching over to set the cake on our nightstand. "We've got nothing really to eat, that's why we had ravioli for breakfast and why I'm eating a cake now."

"What's wrong with ravioli?" I question. "I love ravioli."

"We need real food," he says. "Now move so I can ready."

"You're so mean to me," I say dramatically flopping back onto the bed.

"You know you aren't wearing any clothes under that, right?" he asks, laughing.


"It's dark, I think," I say tugging the robe down. "Did you guys see my coochie or my butt say yes if you did?"

I'm at the library right now and I'm supposed to be doing my school work.


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