I need a name for the new character ima add soon...

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... I don't need a first name for a guy, not a last name. And it needs to be Japanese. The name with the most replies (from different users) will get chosen, so you guys like it.
Y/n's pov

"Why did we need to go to Walmart?" Kasumi asks as I lift her up into the cart.

"We need an air mattress," I say looking around at the signs. "And if you want snacks or something."

"I don't get to go to grocery stores," she says. "Old hag thinks I'll runoff."

"Old hag," I laugh. "I hope you don't call her that to her face, and you better not run away from me or I'll sell you to a stranger."

"If you lose me you'll have a lawsuit," she says. "And you need to buy me birthday presents since you missed three."

"Yeah probably," I say pushing her through the toy section. "Pick whatever you want."

"Anything?" She asks.

"To a certain extent, yes," I nod my head.

"Push me closer to the toys, I can't reach dummy," she says.

I love getting insulted by a child, really humbles me.

"I never get to pick the toys I want," she says grabbing some off the shelf. "I hate barbies you know that."

"You want dinosaurs?" I ask. "Can't we get like rocket ships or like a tractor or something?"

"Rocketships are for bimbos and tractors are for head empty idiots," she says. "Dinosaurs are for cool kids, like me, if you haven't already noticed."

Rocket ships... Aliens... Oikawa... Bimbo? Okay, I can get behind that. And tractors... Wakatoshi... head empty idiot... Okay, I get it.

"Fine, dinosaurs it is," I say grabbing some off the shelf. "Which ones are your favourite."

"One time I drew a picture of brontosaurus kissing a triceratops and the old hag got mad at me," she says. "Then I called her dino-phobic and got sent to the quiet corner."

"Um, alright then," I say.

"And they're dating now," she says grabbing the two out of the cart. "But Mr. Long neck can't always hang out with Ms. Horns because she gets pretty hangry, and annoys him."

"You must have a lot of spare time," I say rolling her out of the aisle and starting my way towards the food. "What toys do you have?"

"I have... Paper, books, and toy gun I stole from the dollar store," she says.

"I should sen you bac with some toys," I say. "And probably some for the other kids there. Oh, do you have some friends?"

"Well you're my friend, they're my friends," she says motioning her hand to the toys in the cart. "But friends aren't mandatory."

"It's good to have friends," I say. "You can talk to them, bug them, you should try to make some more friends, I'll help you. Maybe there are some kids in my apartment that you might like."

"Y/n, I'm three years old, you're nineteen," she says. "I have time to get friends, do you have friends?"

"I have friends," I say. "Lots of friends, the most friends in fact."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," she says. "Now go to the chip aisle, those Cheeto puffs are calling my name."

I'm sick.


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