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Y/n's pov

Okay, maybe I don't hate kids... Well not all of them, I think the ones in the children's home are my favourites out of all of society.

"Hey, back off pigtails," Kasumi says grabbing my hand. "Go find your own depressed lady in need of a pet."

Yeah, she's my favourite, but the old hag is probably lurking so I've gotta act responsible. I mean, I still am trying to woo her to keep Kasumi, although she made it abundantly clear she really doesn't want me to take her.

"Kasumi, I thought you wanted friends?" I ask. "Maybe try using nice words, okay?"

Please don't stop, it's too funny.

"Miss pigtails here used to make fun of me because of my hair Y/n, said it's too white," she outs. "Like an old person."

"No, it's blond, and it's all in your face," I say. "It's light, but it's most definitely blond."

"Fine," she sighs leaning onto my leg. "I guess I don't look like a senior ready to cripple over and die."

"That's right," I say combing through her hair. "Now maybe tell your acquaintance something nice."

"Two ponytails are for chumps," she says. "Now scram."


"Kasumi you can't say things like that, it's mean," I say barely able to keep in my laughter. "Now let's go."

"You know that she's got a mom and dad but the government is being stupid and not letting her go back with them, because of her evil aunt," she says looking up at me. "And they love her and visit her all the time. Her parents always come back for her, and her mom does her hair like that."

"Well, her hair's nice," I say. "And so is yours, very pretty."

"Y'know, since you knew my mom and when I was with her my hair was not long enough for her to mine," she says. "So maybe you can do my hair since you're here and she's not, but only if you want to. You don't need to, but I have a hair tie."

"Of course I'll do your hair, but I have to tell you, it's not going to be anything fancy," I say taking the hair tie. "Don't judge it."

"I won't, I won't, I promise," she says. "Make it one of a kind."

"It's not gonna be that one of a kind," I say quickly tying a side ponytail situation, noting fancy. "There."

"I love it," she says turning to smile at me. "I'm never taking it out, ever."

"Well, you better when you have to wash your hair," I say. "Or else it's gonna have build-up, and be gross."

"Only if you promise to always redo it when I ask," she says. "Then I'll make sure I'm not uh oh stinky."

"Okay, okay," I say picking her up. "Now I think we should get going, what do you think?"

"See you later losers," She says letting her head hang back. "Let's get some McDonalds before we go back, we should bring something for Soji too."

"Why?" I ask.

"I like Soji," she says. "Lots, so we should bring him food."

"You like him do you?" I laugh. "You have a crush on Soji or something?"

"You like Soji," she says. "So we need to make him like you even more, then you two can get married and it can be like in the movies."

"Don't get ahead of yourself," I say. "Soji and I are nothing but neighbours and-."

"And friends, you guys are friends," she says as I start walking out of the home. "Good friends, close friends, just gotta be more than friends."

"Yeah, no," I say. "Just friends."

"What kind of friends?" she asks. "The kind of friends that kiss, hug, and have sleepovers?"

"No Kasumi," I say. "Not going to happen."

"But it could happen, you two can go on silly little dates," she says. "And you'd have a nice boyfriend, I think he's your type."

"And what type is that?" I ask.

"The kind that you like," she says. "Then you guys can be super happy."

"Nah," I say. "Soji and I aren't going to date, we're going to stay friends."

"For Christmas I want you and Soji to get married and have a cute baby," she says. "You'd always say that you'll get me whatever I want."

"Not happening," I say. "I'm not having a baby with anyone, you need to stop watching those shows."

"I'll watch what I want," she says. "Kapeesh."

"Alright then," I laugh.

I need Tsukishima back together so I can make them fight after being happy for a while, smh.


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