Hyun isn't a kid, he's 39 ish

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Y/n's pov

"The kid's fells asleep in the car do Sakusa... Where the hell is your shirt!?"

And so naturally I turned to run away so my team could win, but that whore just had to wrap his arms around me. Hands on my boobs, what a time to be alive.

"Kei, I need to go and win," I say. "Let go."

"Yeah, no I am not, where is your top?" he asks. "What the hell."

I don't care, I dragged him all the way with me just so Bokuto and Atsumu could touch the flag.

"Yay, we won," I cheer. "Everyone can open their eyes now, I'm decent."

"If Tsukishima groping you is decent, then I don't know to know what isn't decent," Kuroo says.

It's better than what you guys may think, this guy has some large-ass hands.

"Get a room," Bokuto says.

"You think I want to have her like this?" Kei asks. "Now who saw her."

"Saw her what?" Atsumu asks. "Her glow-in-the-dark dinosaur piercings?"

"What the fuck," Kei says. "Why would you look at her?"

"What the hell is happening?" Sakusa asks walking in, two sleeping children in his arms. "Why is Y/n half clothed?"

"I hate all of you," Kei says. "Except for Sakusa, Dai, Kasumi and Y/n."

"There's not anything to see," Bokuto laughs. "Don't worry."

"What? now you're calling her flat? There's plenty to see and you better forget what you saw," Kei says. "You're lucky my hands are full right now."

"He means there's nothing to see because you're covering her up," Christopher says. "We didn't see anything at all."

"Promise you guys didn't look at her?" Kei asks.

"Promise," Kuroo says. "We saw nothing."

"Why was her shirt off in the first place?" he asks.

"I only took my shirt off because Christopher touched my head," I say.

"I only touched her head because I thought she was naked and I need to make sure that she wasn't," Christopher says. "That sounds bad."

"Yeah, it sounds bad and still doesn't explain why she's topless," Kei says.

And so I had to explain everything so it made sense to him.

"You guys are never playing flag games again," he says. "Ever, and stop looking at her she doesn't have all her clothes on. That's inappropriate."

"Yeah, says the one groping his girlfriend in front of a whole bunch of men," Sakusa says.

"I am not groping her, I am covering her so no one sees her," Kei says. "There's a difference."

"Not really," he says. "And you're lucky the kids are passed out, the last thing they need to see is this."

"What a shame Tsukishima had to show up and ruin all the fun," Atsumu says.

"I don't trust you, you say her didn't you?" Kei asks. "Did you peek at her?"

"Kei, use your brain," I say. "He said dinosaurs, he obviously saw nothing."

"Wait, they aren't dinosaurs?" Bokuto asks.

"Oh yeah," Kei pauses. "Okay, I'll believe you guys, but anything like this happens again and you're all dead."

"Then what are they?" Atsumu asks.

"I actually hate it here," Kenma says walking inside along with Akaashi.

"They are hearts, for your information," Kei says. "And you'll never have the pleasure of seeing them, so... So just don't think about my girlfriend, ever."

Yeah, thanks Kei you're such a help.

Okay, it's almost four o'clock in the morning. Time to go to sleep.


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