Almost at 200, this is terrible

558 39 13

Y/n's pov

Guys, I'm getting married.

"Kei, we're getting married," I say.

"Really?" he asks. "I didn't know."

"Don't be a hoe," I say. "We're getting married."

"We're getting married?" he asks. "I thought I was getting ready to go to a bachelor's party just for shits and giggles."

"We're getting married tomorrow," I smile.

"Are you sick or something?" Kasumi asks pressing her hand to my head. "Because you can't get married if you're sick."

"I'm not sick," I say. "I'm just excited, clearly more excited than this gremlin over here."

"Don't worry, he's excited," Kasumi whispers. "He was freaking out earlier, I heard him on the phone talking to Tadashi."

"I was not," Kei says. "Anway, Y/n where are you and your friends going tonight?"

"Were staying here, loser," I say. "We were gonna go to a bar but then I decided that I didn't want to be hungover for my wedding... plus, I get a little quirky when I drink. What are you doing? Going to a strip club? This is your last day of freedom."

"Last day of freedom?" he asks. "I want to marry you, Y/n. And I'm not going to a strip club."

"Then what are you doing?" I ask. "Heard that Roxanne is in town."

"Yeah, because you invited her to the wedding," he says. "Dumbass."

"Only because I knew she'd cry when she got the invite," I say. "Didn't you see her on her Instagram live?"

"Who's Roxanne?" Kasumi asks.

"Takahashi, Yamaguchi's ex girlfriend," I say.

"Oh, gross," Kasumi says. "Was she at leaSt nice?"

"She's the reason that Y/n broke up with me the first time," Kei shakes his head. "So I don't know why she got an invite."

"Because you're always supposed to invite the people that were mean to you," I say. "Incite all the bad people to your wedding."

"So are we gonna bring an ouija board?" Kasumi asks. "To check in on Haru?"



"It's funny to me, what's he gonna do?" she asks. "Dig himself up? Oh wait, he was put in the dead people oven."

"Where are you getting all this information?" I ask.

"Wiki," she shrugs. "Anyway, Dad, where are you going tonight?"

"Yamaguchi is dragging me out I don't know what we're doing," he says.

"Bet you wish you were doing my mom," Kasumi says.



"What? Bunny made the joke," she says. "I don't even know what it means."

"It means that Bunny likes to point out the obvious," Kei says.

"Okay how about we just don't repeat anything we hear Bunny say?" I ask. "Does that sound like a good idea?"

"How about dad takes me to grandams, and you have fun here with your friends then we all see each other in the morning so you guys can get married and stuff?" Kasumi asks. "Because I think we should do that... And I also think that we should get Mcdonalds on the way."

"You can't be eating McDonald's all the time," I say.

"Exactly," Kei says. "That's why we're getting, wendys."

"When deez-," I start. "Maybe I should learn how to filter myself."

Happy thanksgiving.


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